t_Lipophrys nigriceps Rabosa negra Bavosa rossa-2022-12-31-14h40m48s131

Lipophrys nigriceps - Rabosa negra

This little minnow is one of the most common Blennid species in the Mediterranean Sea. Lipophrys nigriceps - Rabosa negra - Red blenny is in fact practically omnipresent along the cliffs and rocky and jagged coasts of our sea, the only trick to find it is to look in the shaded areas and in the holes near the of the marine environment between the levels of low and high tide ...
t_Mauve stinger Pelagia noctiluca Medusa luminosa-2022-12-23-20h36m14s269

Mauve stinger

In this video made in summer we filmed Mauve stinger or Purle jellyfish, Pelagia noctiluca luminous jellyfish. We stopped to film three specimens we met during the same swim, snorkelling in the waves, trying hard to avoid contact with these jellyfish. In fact, the Pelagia noctiluca - Luminous jellyfish - is the most dangerous jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea, contact with its tentacles can cause painful skin irritations and burns. ...
Australian spotted jellyfish Medusa maculata australiana Phyllorhiza punctata white-spotted jellyfish Medusa maculata bianca www.intotheblue.it-2021-11-23-10h14m41s579

Australian spotted jellyfish

Phyllorhiza punctata, also known as the floating bell, Australian spotted jellyfish, brown jellyfish or the white-spotted jellyfish, is a species of jellyfish belongs to the Rhizostomatidae Family and the genus Phyllorhiza. The species has been found in the waters off the Mediterranean Sea since at least 1965. While it is not known how it was introduced to these regions, it has been theorized that budding polyps may have attached themselves to ships, or were carried in a ship's ballast tank which was subsequently dumped.
T_Salema – Salpa sarpa – Salpa – www.intotheblue.it-2022-12-16-14h17m43s107

Salema - Salpa sarpa

Salema - Salpa sarpa - is one of the most common and easiest to meet Sparidae species in Mediterranean Sea. It is a gregarious fish that lives in held of even numerous individuals. In this video we see it in various conditions and habitats that it shares together with other spawners such as Seabreams, but also together with predators such as Sea bass ...
Pesce Pappagallo mediterraneo maschio Mediterranean Parrotfish male Sparisoma cretense intotheblue.it -2021-11-07-14h35m14s182

Mediterranean Parrotfish male

The Mediterranean Parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense) is a species of parrotfish found at depths up to 50 m along rocky shores in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic, from Portugal south to Senegal. It is generally common, but uncommon or rare (locally even absent) in the northwestern Mediterranean and in the Adriatic Sea. It prefers relatively warm temperatures and there is an ongoing northward range expansion, probably because of global warming. The primary adult habitat is rocky reefs, especially in areas with macroalgae, but they may visit adjacent seagrass patches. Juveniles also occur more widely in the latter habitat.
Femmina del Pesce Pappagallo mediterraneo Mediterranean parrotfish female Sparisoma cretense intotheblue.it-2021-11-06-16h03m08s352

Mediterranean Parrotfish female

This video was shot between the reefs of the island of Pantelleria in the Sicily Channel. In this stretch of sea it is easy to meet parrot fish because the climatic conditions of the sea make it their favorite habitat. The females of Sparisoma cretense are very showy due to the beautiful colors of the livery and because, unlike the males, they are less shy and therefore move us between the reefs with more ease and it is easier to meet them while snorkeling.
T_European conger Conger conger Grongo-2022-12-02-15h41m28s106

European conger

Conger (European conger - Conger conger) is one of the first marine species of the Mediterranean Sea that colonizes wrecks and we met it right among the plates of one of the many wrecks on which we often dive. It is a nocturnal predator species that lives in caves and ravines during the day and then hunts on the seabed during the night. ...
Murice spinoso – Bolinus brandaris – Spiny dye-murex – Purple dye murex –  Murice comune – Ragusa – Garusolo – Scongillio-2022-11-19-16h06m26s203

Spiny dye-murex

Bolinus brandaris (originally called Murex brandaris by Linnaeus and also Haustellum brandaris), and commonly known as the purple dye murex or the spiny dye-murex, is a species of medium-sized predatory sea snail, an edible marine gastropod mollusk in the Muricidae family, the murex snails or the rock snails. This species is known in the fossil record from the Pilocene (age range: from 3.6 to 2.588 million years ago). Fossil shells of this species have been found in Cyprus, Spain and Italy. It was used by the Phoenicians in ancient times to extract imperial Tyrian purple dye.
T_Aiptasia mutabilis Trumpet anemone Anemone bruno-2022-11-18-21h23m23s240

Aiptasia mutabilis - Trumpet anemone

Aiptasia mutabilis Trumpet anemone or Brown anemone is one of the species of anemone typical of the Mediterranean Sea, it is not as common as the classic anemone Anemonia sulcata, but it is easy to find if we dive into reefs where the sea conditions are not yet too man-made. ...
Boga – Boops boops – bogue – www.intotheblue.it-2022-02-18-15h38m01s306

Boops boops

Boops boops commonly called the bogue, is a species of seabream native to the eastern Atlantic. Its common name in most languages refers to its large ("bug") eyes. A demeral and semi-pelagic, it can generally be found at a depth of 100 m, and infrequently down to 350 m. The Bogue reaches a maximum length of 30 cm. and a weight that can reach half a kilogram. Its color ranges from silvery green on the back to white on the belly. The fins have the same color as the back except the ventral ones which are white. On the side it has a dark lateral line under which we find four or five lateral lines of a beautiful golden color.
T_Peltodoris atromaculata Dotted sea slug-16h10m13s990

Dotted sea slug - Peltodoris atromaculata

In this dive we met one of the many nudibranchs (sea snails) that populate our sea, Peltodoris atromaculata - Dotted sea slug very similar to the Jorunna funebris (Dotted nudibranch), also called Sea cow or Leopard snail. Peltodoris atromaculata Dotted sea slug Vacchetta di mare intotheblue.it ...
Pesce Pagliaccio delle Maldive – Amphiprion nigripes – Maldive Anemonefish – blackfinned Anemonefish – www.intotheblue.it-2020-12-28-14h35m27s190

Maldive Anemonefish

Amphiprion nigripes (Maldive Anemonefish or blackfinned anemonefish), is a marinefish belonging to the family Pomacentridae, which includes clownfishes and damselfishes. The Maldive anemonefish is a small fish which grows up to 11 cm as a female and 8 cm as a male. It is oval-bodied and laterally compressed.
T_Amberjack Yellowtail Seriola dumerilii Ricciola -2022-10-22-21h51m41s295

Amberjack / Yellowtail - Seriola dumeriili

Amberjack, Seriola dumerili is a pelagic species, that is, it spends most of its life in the open sea. However, it happens that almost always in autumn and sometimes in spring it approaches the coasts in search of food and stays here for a few months and then returns to the blue of the open sea. ...
T_Striped red mullet Triglia di scoglio Mullus surmuletus-2022-10-08-20h39m07s239

Striped red mullet - Triglia di scoglio

In this dive we met the Red mullet - Mullus surmuletus - in one of the many typical Mediterranean seabeds. As always, when we dive we try to film and document the marine species that populate our seas but also the conditions in which our sea is found. ...
t_Gorgonia bianca Eunicella singularis White gorgonian-2022-10-06-15h11m42s386

White gorgonian - Eunicella singularis

White gorgonian Eunicella singularis, is a gorgonian typical of the Mediterranean Sea, grows on rocky, muddy and detrital bottoms and often colonizes bottoms that have undergone stress caused by the change in water temperatures or damage caused by trawling, replacing the other species ...
Raccoon Butterflyfish Pesce Farfalla Mascherato Chaetodon lunula crescent-masked butterflyfish lunule butterflyfish halfmoon butterflyfish moon butterflyfish raccoon butterfly raccoon raccoon coralfish redstriped butterflyfish-2021-01-06-12h23m45s138

Raccoon Butterflyfish

The Raccoon Butterflyfish (Chaetodon lunula), also known as the crescent-masked butterflyfish, lunule butterflyfish, halfmoon butterflyfish, moon butterflyfish, raccoon butterfly, raccoon, raccoon coralfish, and redstriped butterflyfish, is a species of marine ray-finned, a butterflyfish belonging to the family Chaetodontidae. It is found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Pencil urchin Stylocidaris affinis Riccio matita-2022-09-25-14h14m38s244

Pencil urchin - Stylocidaris affinis

Pencil urchin is certainly one of the most curious and most characteristic species of Mediterranean urchins. Its common name derives from the shape of its thorns which resemble a classic pencil or "Lapis" as we say in Tuscany. However, these thorns are quite fragile as they are funny ...
T_Leopard-spotted goby Thorogobius ephippiatus Ghiozzo leopardo-2022-09-18-17h01m12s530

Leopard-spotted goby - Thorogobius ephippiatus

In these two dives we met the Leopard Goby (Thorogobius ephippiatus) a sea fish belonging to the Gobidae family. In the first we are on a 45 meter seabed made up of coral reefs that rise from a sandy bottom, in the second we are on a patch full of gorgonians but isolated in a bottom of mud and debris at a depth of about 52/53 meters ...

Spiny Starfish - Tank Star

The Martasteria or Spiny Starfish, Marthasterias glacialis, is an echinoderm of the Asteriidae family common in the Mediterranean Sea. Also called a Tank star, due to the characteristic plates bristling with thorns that distinguish it from other starfish, it has a regular shape with five arms. The body is characterized by spines of variable color: white, gray, brown, red, blue. It appears to be the largest species in the Mediterranean, capable of reaching even 85 centimeters in diameter.
Sea hare Aplysia depilans Lepre di mare Ballerina spagnola-2022-09-04-13h56m59s961

Flying into the blue - Sea hare

Sea hare, Aplysia depilans, is a gastropod mollusk typical of the Mediterranean Sea; she is a sea snail but in this video we see her swimming in the blue almost like flying and we think she is anything but a snail. Sea hare Aplysia depilans Lepre di mare Ballerina spagnola. ...
T_Zerro Spicara smaris Picarel www.intotheblue.it-2022-08-30-23h18m22s857

Picarel - Spicara smaris

Spicara smaris in italian Zerro, are those little fish that practically always accompany us in our dives to which we often do not give too much importance since we always hope to find more important species to film and photograph. ...
T_Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina-2022-08-23-18h47m19s747

Brown meagre - Sciaena umbra

Also this summer we have filmed Brown meagre this splendid fish on several occasions and as always we decide to publish some videos to share the beauty of this typical species of the Mediterranean Sea. Sciaena umbra Brown meagre Corvina intotheblue.it ...
T_Garfish Belone belone Aguglia-2022-08-21-19h23m00s491

Garfish - Belone belone

Garfish, Belone belone, is commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea and in the eastern Atlantic, in the coastal areas around the Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira and Cape Verde, as well as in the Black Sea and the Azov Sea; Belone only lives in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean around the Strait of Gibraltar. ....

The struggle for life

This video made in the Maldives shows us an octopus as it comes out of its den to go hunting for food. While out he is attacked by a redtoothed triggerfish and thent has to give up his lunch and immediately take shelter in an emergency shelter to try to save himself. The video is interesting because it highlights the struggle for life that occurs every day in nature and where the predator must necessarily be careful to prevent becoming the prey of another animal.
T_Antedon Mediterranea Giglio di mare Mediterranean feather star into-2022-08-06-15h22m22s754

Mediterranean feather star - Antedon Mediterranea

Antedon Mediterranea - Mediterranean feather star - is one of the most filmed animal by underwater photographers, certanly for the colors of this splendid owl but above all for the scarce mobility and morphological characteristics of the ten tentacles of the starfish remeber the most famous feathered starfish of tropical seas. ...
Chromis chromis-2022-07-25-18h43m41s019

Chromis chromis - Mediterranean chromis

In this collage of various videos you can see the various stages of growth of the Chromis chromis, the very common black damselfish that inhabits the depths of the entire Mediterranean Sea. At first we encountered the fry in their characteristic electric blue livery. Chromis chromis Mediterranean chromis Castagnola nera intotheblue.it ...
Scyllarus arctus-T-2022-07-19-16h54m44s966

Slipper lobster - Scyllarus arctus

Slipper lobster, Magnosella, Scyllarus arctus (Ciacala di mare or Batti batti) are becoming increasingly rare in our Mediterranean Sea. Slipper lobster has even become a protected species in Italy due to indiscriminate fishing and the change in the conditions of its habitat ...
Discovering new wrecks-2022-07-12-17h59m57s459

Discovering new wrecks

The discovery of an unknown wreck is certainly one of the most beautiful emotions a diver can experience. However, it is an increasingly rare event now, the wrecks that can be visited with scuba loaded with compressed air are now practically all known in the various areas of the Mediterranean Sea, ...
Rhizostoma pulmo Barrel Jellyfish Medusa Polmone di mare intotheblue.it-2022-07-07-s424

Collect plastic and let jellyfish live!

Rhizostoma pulmo (Barrel Jellyfish) is the largest jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea, and is also one of the most common and easiest to encounter. Every summer we manage to film some specimens, in this case we found ourselves in front of a real herd of a hundred jellyfish, a rather rare event in recent years. ...

Flathead grey mullets among the boats

Flathead grey mullets it is a fish able to withstand wide variations in salinity, in fact we find it regularly in marine waters, fresh or brackish waters. Extremely adaptable to all environments; we often find it at the mouths of rivers, in lagoon areas where sea water mixes with fresh water from the hinterland and inside bays and harbors. We met him among the boats of the small port of Castiglioncello: a well-known tourist and seaside resort near Livorno. Usually shy and suspicious, because often the object of predatory fish hunting, in this case he let himself be approached by the diver's camera who took the opportunity to make a close encounter.

Eggs of european Squid

The European squid or common squid (Loligo vulgaris) is a large squid belonging to the family Loliginidae. It occurs abundantly in coastal waters from the North Sea to at least the west coast of Africa. This species lives from sea level to depths of 500 m. Its mantle is up to 40 cm long. The species is extensively exploited by commercial fisheries.