Hacelia attenuata, commonly known as an Orange starfish, is a starfish in the Ophidiasteridae family. In this collage of three videos we see it in a yellow rather than orange color. ...
During the decompression phase it often happens to be visited by some species of fish that intrigued approach the diver and the support boat. Today we received the visit of the Pilot Fish Naucrates ductor ...
In this video we see the extraordinary speed with which the European Fanworm or Pencil worm manages to disappear. This Fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) was found in a hole ...
Cladocora caespitosa or Cushion Coral is an endemic madrepora of the Mediterranean, it is a coral also called stony madrepora for the typical shape of its colonies. Cladocora caespitosa Madrepora a Cuscino cushion coral intotheblue.it ...
The video was shot on a shoal offshore in a stretch of the Mar Ligure coast, where the groupers had long since practically disappeared and where already in several dives we have seen small specimens of Epinephelus marginatus, ...
Like all summers, we can see the birth of the fry of black Damselfish Chromis chromis. In the video they are well recognized for the characteristic of being of an intense electric blue colorr. ...
Pachygrapsus marmoratus is a species of crab, sometimes called the marbled rock crab or marbled crab, which lives in the Black Sea, the Meditarranean Sea and parts of the Atlantic Ocean ...
Diving in conditions of poor visibility is not exactly the best, but reaching the bottom and being in the presence of the red Gorgonia, Paramuricea clavata, Violescent sea-whip repays for every effort and discomfort. ...
Dendronephthya hemprichi is a common soft coral found from Red Sea to WesternPacific. It is usually pink or orange with transparent trunk and it grows up to 70 cm. It exists at 30° N latitude. The smallest unit of this coral, ...
Red coral is repopulating our seas, Corallium rubrum (Linnaeus, 1758) is an octocorallo of the Coralliidae family, once widespread in the Mediterranean sea and in the eastern Atlantic. Il Corallo rosso sta ripopolando i nostri mari intotheblue.it ...
We are on a rocky wall around 36/39 meters deep with steps that go up to 42 meters, this is one of the ideal habitats of Anthias anthias, the Swallowtail sea perch or Marine goldfish. This small fish belonging to the Serranidae, ...
Coscinasterias tenuispina is a starfish in the family Asteriidae. It is sometimes called the blue spiny starfish or the white starfish. It occurs in shallow waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Coscinasterias tenuispina has from 6 to 12 arms (usually 7), often of varying lengths, ...
Fat anemone, Cribrinopsis crassa (Andrès, 1881) is a sea anemone of the Actiniidae family, Cnidaria phylum, endemic to the Mediterranean sea. Anemone grosso attinia Fat anemone Cribrinopsis crassa Intotheblue.it ...