T_Red Tufted Protula-2023-08-31-09h47m54s512

Protula tubularia

Protula tubularia is a sedentary Mediterranean polychaete also present on the two sides of the Atlantic and in other seas. The vermiform body is protected by a solid calcareous tube, up to 1 cm broad, which the animal builds around, after having chosen for fixing itself a ridge where the currents rich in plankton pass. From the tube in which it moves, which is the house chosen for life, two elegant gill crowns come out ...
Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix Pesce serra-2023-08-21-18h54m01s033


Bluefish is the "predator" in fact it feeds exclusively on other fish and cephalopods. Its favorite preys are mullets even if in this video we see it hunting in a few meters of depth, trying to capture salemas present in numerous specimens in a herd. As always, the encounter is lightning-fast and lasts only a few seconds, in fact the Serras do not let themselves be distracted when they are hunting and it is extremely difficult to get close. By slowing down and enlarging the video we managed to extrapolate some images of this splendid fish. ...
TTT_Blue Chromis-2023-08-26-17h34m51s599

Blue Mediterranean chromis

Also in this summer, as indeed in all the months of July and August in the Mediterranean Sea, we can witness what we have always considered a spectacle of nature and of the "Mare Nostrum". That is the birth of the Chromis chromis or as we often say of the blue Mediterranean chromis. These little fish are truly to be admired thanks to their intense electric blue. ...
T_Luria sea snail – Luria lurida – Ciprea Mediterranea-2023-08-22-16h41m46s397

Luria sea snail

Meeting Luria lurida is becoming more and more difficult, then finding the shell with the mollusc inside alive is practically a very rare event. In the video we obviously see the Cyprean shell without the animal but given the sheen of the shell this mollusk was probably recently eaten by some predator, probably the usual octopus. ...
Paramuricea clavata gorgonia rossa-2023-08-20-08h10m23s042

Paramuricea clavata - Red gorgonian - Reproduction

In this dive of August 15, 2023 we filmed an event that has not yet been documented much in our Mediterranean Sea. This is the reproduction of the red Gorgonian (Paramuricea clavata). Like every year in summer, this beautiful coral reproduces with the synchronized emission of male and female gametes released by the polyps which open by extruding thin semi-transparent filaments exceptionally long up to 5 cm. ...
T_Pelagia noctiluca Medusa viola-2023-08-13-610

Purple jellyfish

Given today's many views on an article from a while ago: Purple Luminous Jellyfish - Pelagia noctiluca, we're publishing today's meeting with the infamous Purple Jellyfish. On other occasions we were able to get closer to the jellyfish and film it much closer. As you can see today it wasn't really the case since our jellyfish had completely outward stinging tentacles, and as you can see in the video dangerously almost a meter long. ...
Red starfish Echinaster sepositus-16h58m11s527

Red starfish

Finding a starfish is one of the first experiences a diver can have, especially the Red starfish - Echinaster sepositus - one of the many species among the most common in the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of the first encounters, but even the most experienced divers always find this species of echinoderm fascinating. However, when they meet, some precautions must be taken to avoid causing damage to these splendid starfish. Surely picking them up with some care, handling them and forcibly removing them from the substrate on which they are located can lead to damage ...
Squid eggs – Uova di Calamaro – www.intotheblue.it-2023-08-06-11h03m34s338

Squid eggs

In these two different dives at a depth ranging from about 40 to 50 meters, we filmed the eggs of the European squid (Loligo vulgaris) laid in completely different ways. In the first dive we found them in what would appear to be the optimal situation, i.e. in a hole near the red Gorgonian (Paramuricea clavata), therefore certainly in an area where a constant flow of current and therefore oxygenation is guaranteed ...
T_Blue crab – Callinectes sapidus – Granchio blu – www.intotheblue.it-2023-08-04-16h38m28s440

Blue crab - Callinectes sapidus

Even we at intotheblue.it could not miss the infamous and by now famous this summer, Blue Crab - Callinectes sapidus - also known as Blue King Crab. We filmed it after several reports, on the stretch of coast between Vada and Rosignano Solvay, luring it with a bait to film it with the camera. This alien species has colonized the Mediterranean for at least fifty years but has spread by invading the coasts in recent years perhaps precisely because of the now inevitable warming of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. ...
Cushion coral Cladocora caespitosa Madrepora a cuscino-2023-08-01-07h21m33s605

Cladocora caespitosa - Cushion coral

Cladocora caespitosa, Cushion coral Madrepora, is the typical madrepora of the Mediterranean and is also considered the most important endemic bioconstructor coral of the Mediterranean Sea. It forms colonies often isolated, but sometimes capable of forming aggregations. Low densities are recorded in the Adriatic (populations are slightly declining), while in other areas the species is in great expansion ...