Cylinder anemone – Cerianthus membranaceus – Anemone cilindrico o Anemone tubolare –

Cerianthus membranaceus

The Cylinder anemone or Tubular anemone, Cerianthus membranaceus, is a species of anemone quite common in the Mediterranean Sea, its peculiarity is that it has two spirals of tentacles completely separate and with different functions. Those in the external spiral are long, slender and armed with cnidocytes ...
T_Pelagia noctiluca Medusa luminosa viola Mauve stinger-2024-07-23-07h28m25s394

Pelagia noctiluca

The beauty of the underwater world is that the distribution of life and various species is distributed 360° along the entire water column, even if not exactly uniformly. Marine biologists divide marine life into three macro-categories based on where they live and how they move, or rather into three marine biological categories: Plankton, Nekton and Benthos ...
Diving on the Duckypoo wreck Immersione sul relitto del Duckypoo-2024-07-19-09h28m31s963

Diving on the Duckypoo wreck

After about seven years we returned to dive on the wreck of the Duckypoo plane, an excellent US F4 derived from a Lockheed P-38F, shot down and then sunk just off the coast of Cecina (LI), by German anti-aircraft during a reconnaissance in June 1944, during the Second World War. Diving on the Duckypoo wreck ....
Dogtooth tuna – Tonno dente di cane – Gymnosarda unicolor –

Dogtooth tuna

The Dogtooth tuna, Gymnosarda unicolor, also known as white tuna, is a species of pelagic marine fish which belongs to the family Scombridae. The dogtooth tuna can reach a length of 190 to 248 centimetres in males and a weight of 130 kilograms. The average length commonly observed is around 40 to 120 centimetres. They have 12 to 14 dorsal soft rays and 12 to 13 anal soft rays. The lateral line is undulates strongly.
T_Simbiosi tra paguro e anemone-2024-07-14-08h45m32s985

Symbiosis between hermit crab and anemone

Symbiosis is quite frequent in the underwater world and in recent days we have witnessed one of the most classic forms of symbiosis in our Mediterranean Sea, that between the Hermit Crab (Pagurus bernhardus) and the Hermit Crab Anemone or Actinia (Calliactis parasitica). We are exploring a seabed composed of a coral wall that varies from 46 to 49-50 meters deep ...
Mnemiopsis leidyi-2024-07-09-18h32m25s290

Invasion of the Sea walnut Mnemiopsis leidyi

Also this summer we are witnessing the invasion of the Mnemiopsis leidyi or Sea walnut. This year we are in early July and the sea water is slowly warming up as always in summer. Punctually after a short and intense sea storm we witness an invasion of jellyfish, plastic, tree trunks and branches, various floating debris and as now every year also the Mnemiopsis leidyi, the now infamous Sea walnut. ...
School of Sand steenbras or Striped seabream – Branco di Mormore  o Marmore – Lithognathus mormyrus –

Big herd of Sand steenbras

The Sand Steenbras (Lithognathus mormyrus) is a beautiful elegant silver-colored fish with six very dark and highlighted vertical bands and an equal number of narrower and less evident bands, the body is long and compressed laterally, the profile is high and rounded. The lips are fleshy and the teeth are arranged in different rows; it can reach a length of 30 cm. and a weight that rarely reaches one kilogram. It has gregarious habits and we find it in small groups in a depth mixed with rock and sand at a depth that hardly exceeds 20 meters.
Lichene marino o Alga corallina Lithophyllum stictiforme Red algae-2024-07-03-17h16m42s009

Red algae

We have already talked about it, it is one of the oldest marine organisms on Planet Earth, marine lichen or coral algae belongs to the Plant Kingdom and the division of Red Algae. Common in the Mediterranean Sea and also in other seas and oceans, in the video we filmed the Lithophyllum stictiforme, Coralline algae, Red Coralline algae, Sea lichen. ...