43 05:38 Basket Star - Astrospartus The Basket Star (Astrospartus mediterraneus Risso, 1826) is an echinoderm of the gorgonocephalidae family. ... Fanino Cirivasi September 16, 2016 638 3
95 04:05 Dolphins off the coast of Castiglioncello In this short video we have a meeting about forty minutes of a pod of dolphins or more likely bottlenose dolphins off the coast of Castiglioncello ... Andrea Cirivasi September 14, 2016 379 4
60 04:37 Savalia Savaglia - Palinurus Elephas - Muraena Helena In this immersion of 08/28/2016 in a rare area populated by many Savalia Savaglia, we met, the "Phycis phycis", commonly known as Forkbeard or Phycid Hakes, ... Fanino Cirivasi September 13, 2016 280
51 08:36 Muraena helena - Echinaster sepositus - Stylocidaris affinis In this immersion of 08/27/2016 we can see specimens of various species take rather common in the Mediterranean ... Andrea Cirivasi September 12, 2016 186 1