Fanino Cirivasi

Gilt-head bream in shallow seabed – Orata nel basso fondale – Sparus aurata – –

Gilt-head bream in shallow seabed

Gilt-head bream, Sparus aurata, is a bony sea and brackish water fish belonging to the Sparidae family. The name derives from the characteristic gold stripe that the fish shows between its eyes. Gilt-head bream is present throughout the Mediterranean.
White-tuft Protula – Protula dal ciuffo bianco – Protula tubolaria – –

White-tuft Protula

The White-tuft Protula, Protula tubularia, is a marine worm belonging to the class of sedentary Polychaetes and the order of Serpulidae which lives in a white calcareous tube and is present throughout the Mediterranean Sea at depths that can vary from 10 meters to over 100 metres. It is a very common annelid.
White Gorgonian – Gorgonia bianca – Gorgonia verrucosa – Eunicella verrucosa –

White Gorgonian

White Gorgonian, Eunicella verrucosa, or broad sea fan, pink sea fan, warty gorgonian, is a species of colonia Gorgonian "soft coral" in the family Gorgoniidae. It is native to the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean and the western Mediterranean Sea.
Black Seabream – Tanuta o Cantaro – Spondyliosoma cantharus – –

Tanuta Spondyliosoma cantharus

The Black Seabream (Spondyliosoma cantharus) is a protogynous species of Sparidae fishes, recognisable by their oval, compressed body and jaws, which contain 4–6 rows of slender teeth that are larger at the front. They are silvery in colour with blue and pink tinges and broken longitudinal gold lines. They can reach a maximum size of 60 cm in length.
Sargo in lair – Sarago maggiore in tana – Diplodus sargus sargus –

Sargo in lair

Sargo, Diplodus sargus, or white Seabream is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Sparidae, which includes the seabreams and porgies. This fish is found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a target species for commercial fisheries and is grown in aquaculture.
Mediterranean coral reef – Barriera corallina mediterranea – –

Mediterranean coral reef

Savalia savaglia is commonly known as Gold coral. This organism is commonly called "false black coral". It owes its name to its ability to produce a dark-colored horny skeleton, usually blackish. The colonies are generally settled on pre-existing gorgonians skeletons and can grow with ramifications that far exceed one meter in length.
Comb jelly – Ctenoforo di vetro – Bolinopsis vitrea –

Comb jelly

Bolinopsis vitrea, is a species of comb jelly in the family Bolinopsidae, It is found in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea,it was first described by the American biologist Louis Agassiz in 1860. In Florida waters, Bolinopsis vitrea is the most common ctenophore.
Marine plastics pollution – Inquinqmento marino da plastiche –

No more plastics in the sea!!!

Marine plastics pollution is a type ranging in size from large original material such as bottles and bags, down to microplastics formed from the fragmentation of plastic material. Marine debris is mainly discarded human rubbish which floats on, or is suspended in the ocean. Eighty percent of marine debris is plastic. Microplastics and nanoplastics result from the breakdown or photodegradation of plastic waste in surface waters, rivers or oceans...
Salp – Taliaceo salpa –


During a decompression stop the surface sea current carried with it numerous transparent marine organisms. They were various Ctenophores that I managed to identify. What you are seeing in the video is a salp. A salp is a barrel-shaped, planktonic tunicate in the family Salpidae. It moves by contracting, thereby pumping water through its gelatinous body, one of the most efficient examples of jet propulsion in the animal kingdom.
Ascidia mentula –

Ascidia mentula

Ascidia mentula is a species of solitary tunicate. It is found in the north east Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. It occurs round the coasts of Britain but is seldom seen on the east coast of England or Scotland. Ascidia mentula has a tough leathery envelope or tunic composed partly of cellulose. The translucent tunic encloses a fluid-filled body with irregular bulges and two unmistakable siphons.
Yellow Gorgonian  – yellow sea whip – Gorgonia gialla – Eunicella cavolinii –

Yellow Gorgonian Eunicella cavolinii

Yellow Gorgonian, Eunicella cavolinii, commonly known as the yellow sea whip, is a species of colonial soft coral in the family Gorgoniidae. It is native to parts of the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Ionian Sea where it is a common species. Eunicella cavolinii is a much-branched soft coral growing to a height of about 50 cm. It is fan-shaped with the irregular, cylindrical branches largely growing in a single plane.
Mediterranean Mussel – Mitilo mediterraneo – Mytilus galloprovincialis –

Mediterranean Mussel

The Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) is a species of bivalve, a marine mollusc in the family Mytilidae. It is an invasive species in many parts of the world, and also an object of aquaculture. Mytilus galloprovincialis is one of the three principal, closely related species in the Mytilus edulis complex.
Scogliera sommersa con Aragoste – Mediterranean reef with spiny Lobsters –

Mediterranean reef with spiny Lobsters

We met the Lobsters in a submerged reef over 75 meters deep, the muddy bottom moved by the current made the water not very transparent; as you can see, however, the cliff is vital and exuberant. Palinurus elephas is a spiny lobster, which is commonly present in the Mediterranean Sea . Is a common species of spiny lobster, found in the eastern Atlantic Ocean.
Ostrea cochlear and Astrospartus mediterraneus – Ostrica Neopycnodonte cochlear e Astrospartus mediterraneus – Neopycnodonte cochlear –

Ostrea Neopycnodonte cochlear

Neopycnodonte cochlear is a species of marine bivalve molluscs belonging to the family Gryphaeidae.This species can be found in the North Atlantic Ocean (Azores) and in the Mediterranean Sea. The peculiarity we want to point out is that it is a small oyster that plays the same role as corals. That is, it forms aggregations as they grow and multiply, create agglomerations of more or less large dimensions comparable to corals.
Dorid nudibranch – Doride dipinto – Felimare picta –

Dorid nudibranch Felimare picta

Felimare picta is a species of colourful sea slug or dorid nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusk i the family Chromodorididae. The color of the body is variable and goes from blue to purple, yellow or green, with irregular yellow spots. It can reach up to 20 centimeters in length.
Melon sea urchin – Riccio Melone – Echinus melo –

Melon sea Urchin

Melon sea Urchin, Echinus melo, is a species of sea urchin in the family Echinidae. This species grows up to 17 cm in diameter. It is spherical or slightly cone-shaped, and the colour of the test is mainly pinkish, yellowish, or greenish-yellow, and banded with white and pale brown, giving it a segmented appearance. The long primary spines are few in number and olive green with pale tips.
Leucothea multicornis – Ctenoforo con i veli – Leucothea multicornis of Mediterranean sea –

Leucothea multicornis of Mediterranean sea

During a decompression stop, after having carried out a scuba diving, the surface sea current carried with it numerous transparent marine organisms. They were various Ctenophores that I managed to identify, but what you are seeing could be a Ctenophore, Leucothea multicornis, known as the Veil Ctenophore, because it has all its characteristics.
School of Sand steenbras or Striped seabream – Branco di Mormore  o Marmore – Lithognathus mormyrus –

Big herd of Sand steenbras

The Sand Steenbras (Lithognathus mormyrus) is a beautiful elegant silver-colored fish with six very dark and highlighted vertical bands and an equal number of narrower and less evident bands, the body is long and compressed laterally, the profile is high and rounded. The lips are fleshy and the teeth are arranged in different rows; it can reach a length of 30 cm. and a weight that rarely reaches one kilogram. It has gregarious habits and we find it in small groups in a depth mixed with rock and sand at a depth that hardly exceeds 20 meters.
coastal Mucilage caused by marine warming – Mucillagine costiera causata dal riscaldamento marino –

SOS marine warming

With the arrival of summer the coastal mucilage caused by marine warming promptly returns.. Nobody can deny that the warming of our planet Earth is now evident even to those who still harbor doubts and uncertainties. Climate change is present at all levels of our ecosystems: from tropical forests to the oceans.
Blue Crab – Granchio blu o Granchio reale blu o Granchio azzurro – Callinectes sapidus –

Blue Crab invasion

In Italy, public awareness of the detrimental impact of this species on local molluscs is rapidly growing and, especially in the Po delta area and on the Adriatic sea coast, eradication efforts are undergoing, both by local authorities and by local fishermen. From the 2000s until 2023 the species was reported throughout Italy. We met her, Callinectes sapidus, in Rosignano Solvay in the Province of Livorno where we took the photos and video you are seeing.
Medusa mediterranea Rhizostoma pulmo – Polmone di mare – Big mediterranean barrel jellyfish –

Big mediterranean Barrel jellyfish

Big mediterranean barrel jellyfish, Rhizostoma pulmo,, commonly known as the barrel jellyfish, the dustbin-lid jellyfish or the frilly-mouthed jellyfish, is a scyphomedusa in the family Rizostomatidae. It is found in the northeast Atlantic, and in the Mediterranean sea, Black Sea and Sea of Azov. It is also known from the southern Atlantic off the western South African coast and into False Bay
Basket star in appointment to reproduce – Stelle Gorgone in procreazione – Astrospartus mediterraneus –

Basket star in appointment to reproduce

In many years of scuba diving I have never encountered so many Basket star all at once. Surely there are precise reasons to justify this concentration. The reasons can be various, the most logical ones lead me to think that it is an appointment to reproduce and that in these rocks there are optimal conditions, of currents and plankton, for their life and feeding. This beautiful video, made in a single dive between Livorno and the island of Gorgona, is the demonstration of what has been stated.
young Yellowmouth Barracuda – giovane Barracuda mediterraneo – Sphyraena viridensis –

young Yellowmouth Barracuda

The young yellowmouth barracuda, Sphyraena viridensis, or yellow barracuda is a predatory ray finned fish from the family Sphyraenidae, the barracudas, which is found in the warmer waters of the western Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It is often confused with the European barracuda Sphyraena sphyraena.
ready for scuba diving – pronti per l’immersione subacquea –

High risk scuba diving

Deep scuba diving using compressed air is definitely to be considered a high-risk dive. All international diving organizations recommend limiting diving with compressed air to -40 meters of depth to avoid incurring what is called nitrogen narcosis. Compressed air is denser as the depth increases, and consequently greater breathing effort is required which could lead to breathlessness and greater air consumption.
Picarel fish – Spicara smaris – Zerro –

Picarel fish Spicara smaris

Picarel fish, Spicara smaris, is native to the subtropical eastern Atlantic Ocean including the coasts of Portugal, the Canary Islands and Morocco, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. It is usually found in seagrass meadows and over sandy and muddy seabeds. Its depth range is generally 15 to 170 m. but it has been recorded at depths of 328 m. in the eastern Ionian Sea.
Noah’s Ark seashell – Arca di Noè o Mussolo – Arca noae –

Noah's Ark seashell

Noah's Ark seashell, Arca noae, is a species of bivalve mollusc in the family Arcidae. It is found in the Mediterranean Sea from low tide mark to a depth of 100 metres. The seashell of Arca noae grows to about 10 cm in length. but the ones we found did not exceed 3, 4 centimeters. Quite difficult to identify on the seabed because the shells are always covered not only by sponges but also by algae or other encrusting organisms. We noticed their presence because they were found open without the presence of the mollusc which was certainly prey to either an Octopus or fish such as Sea bream and Bream.
Filograna implexa – Salmacina incrustans –

Marine worm Filograna implexa

Filograna implexa (Salmacina incrustans) is a marine species of tubular worm belonging to the class of sedentary Polychaeta of the Serpulidae family. This species is found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Monzambique, and from South Africa to New Zealand.
Red tuft Protula – Protula dal ciuffo rosso – Protula tubularia –

The red-tuft Protula

The red-tuft Protula lives throughout the Mediterranean Sea in small tubes at depths that can vary from 10 meters to over 100 meters. It is a very common annelid throughout the Mediterranean and therefore we can easily find it among the Posidonia oceanica meadows, on the various detrital bottoms and in coral reefs. The red color characterizes this worm from the other species of the same family.
Great Cormorant – Cormorano comune – Phalacrocorax Carbo –

Great Cormorant

The Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax Carbo, (Linnaeus, 1758) is a species of bird in the shag family. It is a large bird with black body and a hook beak. There is however a large variation in size in the wide range of species. Cormorants of various weights have been reported, but the average weight is around 2.6 to 3.7 kg. The length can range from 70 to 102 cm and the wingspan from 120 to 160 cm.
diving point – punto d’immersione –

Diving near Gorgona island

We planned this scuba dive in the area between Livorno and Gorgona Island. We are over 12 nautical miles from Livorno and about 6 miles from Gorgona. In this area the seabed rises from over 100 meters deep to 48 metres. It is an area that we know well in the part between 48 and 54 meters deep, but the sea always reserves unexpected surprises: in fact from the echo sounder we saw that there are reef at depths of 60, 70 meters and more.
School of grey Mullet grazing – Branco di Muggini al pascolo –

School of grey Mullet grazing

Flathead grey mullets it is a fish able to withstand wide variations in salinity, in fact we find it regularly in marine waters, fresh or brackish waters. Extremely adaptable to all environments; we often find it at the mouths of rivers, in lagoon areas where sea water mixes with fresh water from the hinterland and inside bays and harbors. Usually shy and suspicious, because often the object of predatory fish hunting, in this case he let himself be approached by the diver's camera who took the opportunity to make a close encounter.
Garfish – Aguglia – Belone belone –


The Garfish (Belone belone) has a very elongated and compressed body, the dorsal zone is dark blue and fades in the blue on the flanks which are silvery; The belly is yellowish in color. Its length can exceed 80 cm and 1 Kg of weight. The jaws are thin and prominent enough to resemble a beak. The Garfish is a pelagic fish that lives on the high seas, only during the summer it approaches the coast to spawn.
Umbraculum mediterraneum – Umbraculum umbraculum – Umbracolo – Umbrella slug –

Umbraculum mediterraneum or Umbrella slug

I saw this beautiful specimen of Umbaculum mediterraneum during a dive in a Mediterranean coral reef at a depth of over 70 meters. In many years of diving I had never come across this nudibranch. It is an adult specimen of rather large dimensions, in fact it is well over 20 cm in length. This leads me to think that, together with Aplysia depilans, it is among the largest nudibranchs present in the Mediterranean Sea.
Mediterranean jellyfish – Cassiopea mediterranea – Cotylorhiza tuberculata –

Mediterranean jellyfish

Mediterranean jellyfish, Cotylorhiza tuberculata, is a species of jellyfish, of the phylum Cnidaria, also known as the Mediterranean jelly. It is commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, and Adriatic Sea. It can reach 40 cm in diameter. It seems that this jellyfish's sting has very little or no effect on humans.
Cuckoo Wrasse male – Tordo fischietto maschio – Labrus mixtus –

Cuckoo Wrasse male

The Cuckoo Wrasse (Labrus mixtus) is a protogynous hermaphrodite, and females can change sex into males, a process which takes around seven months. In this short and interesting video you can observe the phase in which a female has just begun the transformation to become a male: in fact the electric blue color and the darker bands are starting to become evident, but have not yet covered the body as in the phase of complete transformation. The cuckoo wrasse is a species of wrasse native to the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Senegal, including the Azores and Madeira. It is also found in the Mediterranean Sea.
Female Cuckoo Wrasse Tordo Fischietto femmina Labrus mixtus

Female Cuckoo Wrasse

Female Cuckoo Wrasse (Labrus mixtus) is a species of wrasse native to the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Senegal, including the Azores and Madeira. It is also found in the Mediterranean Sea. They can be found amongst the algae on rocky shores at depths from 2 to 200 m, though mostly between 40 and 80 m. This species is an important food fish for local populations and is also popular as a game fish. It is also a popular fish for display in public aquaria.