Black Scorpionfish

Scorfano Nero Black Scorpionfish - intotheblue
Scorfano Nero Black Scorpionfish –

Scorfano Nero Black Scorpionfish Scorpenidae

In this video we can see an accidental encounter with the Black Scorpionfish. While I was filming a small blennide while snorkeling, I risked pricking myself with the poison spines of the scorpionfish. In the video we can see it in a few centimeters of water, completely immobile and completely camouflaged with the environment so as not to see it at a first glance. Slowing down the video you can also see the extreme speed with which he manages to escape when he feels threatened, or that he uses to attack prey.

Scorfano Nero Black Scorpionfish - intotheblue
Scorfano Nero Black Scorpionfish –

Scorpaena porcus, commonly known as black scorpionfish or brown scorpionfish, is a marine fish belonging to the Scorpaenidae family.

Like all scorpionfish, the black scorpionfish also has poisonous glands located under the spines of the dorsal and anal fins. Accidental punctures (especially among fishermen and divers) are possible: in these cases severe pain occurs, sometimes with the appearance of nausea, vomiting and shock. The symptomatic treatment consists in immersing the wound in hot water, since the toxin is thermolabile. However, antibiotic (sometimes the wound can go into necrosis) and tetanus treatment is recommended.

Scorfano Nero Black Scorpionfish - intotheblue
Scorfano Nero Black Scorpionfish –

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