Do octopuses grow tentacles again ?

The answer is yes! and in the video we see how this octopus is growing back its three tentacles in front of its eyes. The octopus is both a predator and a prey and it often happens that when fighting groupers, conger eels, moray eels and other predatory fish, our friend loses one or more of its tentacles, but saves its life by escaping.

Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? - Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? -
Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? – Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? –

The problem, however, is that this regrowth is quite slow and considering that the average lifespan of the octopus is on average one and a half, two years (five in exceptional cases) it is not that in the end this is such a great advantage, which is why octopuses they prefer escape and mimicry rather than fighting and direct confrontation.

However, despite the lack of three tentacles, this octopus seems quite healthy enough to start playing with the camera, trying to grab it and capture that intermittent red light, trying to satisfy its irrepressible and innate curiosity.

Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? - Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? -
Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? – Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? –

Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) or octopus is a cephalopod mollusc of Octopodidae family, which is not to be confused with the octopus that instead it is the animal (belonging to the Cnidaria) that gives rise to the coral.

Habitat and distribution

It is a cephalopod mollusk very common in shallow water, no more than 200 meters. He prefers rugged substrates, rocks, rich because of hiding places, cracks and small caves in which to hide: the absence of endo- and exoskeleton allows him to take any form, and to go through very narrow passages. Present in all the seas and oceans, it is also widespread in the Mediterranean Sea.

Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? - Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? -
Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? – Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? –

In the Mediterranean, it is mainly caught in two different periods of the year: from September to December (in good quantities, albeit still small) and from May to July (during which time it is more large size).


The octopus has three hearts, and has the ability to change color very quickly and with great accuracy in detail. Takes advantage of this ability is to blend it to communicate with his peers. The main feature is the presence of a double row of suction cups on each of the eight tentacles, which distinguishes it from moscardino that has a single row of suction cups.

Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? - Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? -
Do octopuses grow tentacles again ? – Al polpo ricrescono i tentacoli ? –

At the center of the eight tentacles, on the lower part of the animal, there is the mouth ending in a horny beak used to crack the shells shells and shells of crustaceans of which it feeds. The coat is long 8-25 cm, the tentacles instead are long on average 40-100 cm, the weight varies from 500 grams up to 7-8 kg of larger specimens.


It is considered one of the most intelligent invertebrates; It was, for example, demonstrated that the common octopus has the ability to learn if subjected to tests of learning by association and by observing others of its kind, capacity that had been demonstrated only in some mammals. The latter evidence is somewhat surprising, because, as the octopus a highly solitary animal, it would seem inexplicable such behavior typical of animals with social relations.


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