Other Seas

171 Videos
Orange-spotted spinefoot – Pesce coniglio a macchie arancioni – Siganus guttatus – Golden rabbitfish – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-22-17h38m27s740

Orange-spotted spinefoot

Orange-spotted spinefoot (Siganus guttatus), also known as the Deepbody spinefoot, Gold-saddle rabbitfish, Golden rabbitfish, Golden-spotted spinefoot, Goldlined spinefoot or Yellowblotch spinefoot, is a species of marine ray-finned fish, a rabbitfish belonging to the family Siganidae. It is found in the eastern Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean.
Brown Surgeonfish – Pesce Chirurgo marrone – Acanthurus nigrofuscus – www.intotheblue.it-2023-11-24-15h02m58s906

Brown Surgeonfis

Brown surgeonfis, Acanthurus nigrofuscus, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Acanthuridae, has a wide Indo-Pacific distribution from the coast of eastern Africa as far north as the Red Sea coast and south as far as far south as the Aliwal Shoal in South Africa.
Dusky parrotfish – Pesce Pappagallo scuro – Scarus niger – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-21-17h41m38s331

Dusky Parrotfish

Dusky parrotfish, Scarus niger, common names the swarthy parrotfish, and black parrotfish, is a species of parrotfish. It is in the phylum Chordata, class Actinopterygii and family Scaridae. The presence of the swarthy parrotfish in large and small reef communities contributes to diversity and therefore the resilience of the ecosystem. The reef ecosystem may be dramatically shifted in the absence of the swarthy parrotfish.
Lobactis scutaria – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-17-14h24m11s883

Lobactis scutaria

Lobactis is a genus of plate or mushroom coral in the family Fungiidae. The genus is monotypic with a single species, Lobactis scutaria, that is found in the Indo-Pacific region. Is a solitary, non-colonial coral that is free living and not attached to the seabed. It is discoid or elongated in shape and can grow to a very large size.
Desjardin’s sailfin tang – Pesce Chirurgo pinne a vela – Zebrasoma desjardinii – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-07-16h33m16s047

Desjardin's sailfin tang

The Desjardin's sailfin tang, or Sailfin surgeonfish, Red Sea sailfin tang, (Zebrasoma desjardinii) is a marine reef tang in the fish family Acanthuridae. The coloration may vary from one individual to another and within the same individual, depending on age. In general, the upper side of the body alternates orange and dark blue vertical bands, with a larger blue band on the eyes, a spotted ventral region and numerous white spots on the head.
Brown Mesh Sea Star – Stella marina Nardoa – Nardoa galatheae – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-06-09h22m08s362

Brown Mesh Sea Star

Brown Mesh Sea Star, Nardoa galatheae, is a genus of sea stars in the family Ophidiasteridae. The Ophidiasteridae are a family of sea stars with about 30 genera. Occurring both in the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; ophidiasterids are greatest in diversity in the Indo-Pacific.
Mahsena emperor – Imperatore mahsena o pesce Imperatore del cielo – Lethrinus mahsena – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2023-12-09-15h00m42s220

Mahsena emperor

Mahsena emperor, Lethrinus mahsena, common names the sky emperor, is a species of emperor fish. It grows to 65 cm in length, but is commonly found at 35 to 45 cm. This fish may be yellow to greenish-blue or olive-grey, becoming paler toward the belly. It is a non-migratory, reef-associated fish that has a high commercial value.

El Nido, Panglao, Oslob in the Philippines

The Philippines, officially the Republic of the Philippines, is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia. In the western Pacific Ocean, it consists of 7641 island, with a total area of 300,000 square kilometers, which are broadly categorized in three main geografical divisions from north to south: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Manila is the country’s capital and its most populated city is Quezon City.
Powder-blue surgeonfish – Pesce chirurgo dalla gola bianca – Acanthurus leucosternon – www.intotheblue.it-2023-11-28-18h02m53s198

Powder-blue surgeonfish

Acanthurus leucosternon, commonly known as the blue surgeonfish, powder blue tang or powder-blue surgeonfish, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the family Acanthuridae. This species is found in the Indian Ocean.The powder blue tang is rarely harvested for anything other than the marine aquarium industry. It is a commonly sold fish that is moderately difficult to care for.
Specklefin grouper from Maldives – Cernia maculata delle Maldive – Epinephelus ongus – www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-30-12h30m25s127

Specklefin grouper from Maldives

Epinephelus ongus, (the white-streaked grouper, specklefin grouper, lace-finned rock-cod, specklefin rockcod, wavy-lined tock-cod, white-speckled grouper or white-spotted rock-cod) is a grouper from the subfamily Epenephelinae which is part of the family Serranidae, which also includes the anthias and sea basses. It has a wide Indo-Pcific distribution and it is found in brackish waters as well as marine reefs.
Acropora robusta coral – Corallo Madrepora robusta – Acropora robusta – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2023-11-30-14h50m15s046

Acropora robusta coral

Is a branching stony coral with cylindrical branches ranging from a few centimetres to over two metres in length and height. It occurs in back reef and fore reef environments from 0 to 30 m depth. It occurs in irregular colonies consisting of thick branches towards the centre, but its outer branches are thinner. Its rasp-like radial corallites can be of a variety of diameters and shapes.
Long-spine Porcupinefish – Pesce Istrice – Diodon holocanthus – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-29-17h48m14s932

Long-spine Porcupinefish

The Long-spine Porcupinefish, Diodon holocanthus, also known as the freckled porcupinefish among other vernacular names, is a species of marine fish in the family Diodontidae. Is an omnivore that feeds on mollusks, sea urchins, hermit crabs, snails and crabs during its active phase at.
Cushion sea star – Stella cuscino – Culcita schmideliana – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-05-17h12m40s129

Cushion sea star Culcita schmideliana

Cushion sea star, Culcita schmideliana, commonly known as the spiny cushion star, is a species of pin-cushion star which looks more like a hedgehog without its spines than the starfish we generally know. It has a variety of base colors and often patches of a different color. It is pentagonal in shape and lives in the tropical Indo-Pacific.
Great Barracuda – Grande Barracuda –  Sphyraena barracuda – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-13-17h42m40s792

Great Barracuda

The great barracuda is present in tropical to warm temperate waters, in subtropical parts of the Indian, Red Sea, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, from mangrove areas to deep reef, with a lower depth limit of 110 meters. Mature specimens are usually around 60–100 cm.
Yellow scroll Coral – Corallo giallo – Turbinaria reniformis – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-28-16h02m14s768

Yellow scroll Coral

The Yellow scroll Coral, Turbinaria reniformis, is a species of colonial stony coral in the family Dendrophylliidae. It is native to the Indo-Pacific region. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated its conservation status as being “vulnerable” due to warming of the sea due to the increase in temperature across the planet.
Small Giant Clam dead – Tridacna maxima morta – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-28-14h58m31s391

Small Giant Clam dead

Tridacna maxima is a giant bivalve species of the Tridacnidae family. Popular among the aquarists, it is often found in a marine aquarium. In Polynesia This species is called “Pahua ” and enters the local cuisine. It is a sessile bivalve that can reach an impressive size from 40-60 cm to 1,6 metres.
Indian Damsel – Damigella indiana – Pomacentrus indicus – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-20-15h48m50s317

Indian Damsel

The Indian Damsel fish lives in the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific from the surface to a depth of 15 meters. These fish live in groups that can even be numerous; they lead a mainly diurnal life and are quite easy to approach by snorkeling (as you can see from the video).
Symbiosis between Remora and sea Turtle – Simbiosi tra Remora e Tartaruga marina – www.intotheblue.it – www.intotheblue.link-2024-01-29-18h39m24s947

Live Sharksucker - Echeneis naucrates

The Live Sharksucker or Slender Sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates, is a species of marine fish in the family Echeneidae Echeneidae. A live sharksucker is known to attach itself temporarily by its modified dorsal fin used as a sucking disc to various hosts, such as shark, rays, large bony fishes, sea turtles, whales, dolphins, ships, and even sometimes scubadivers.
Adanson’s slit shell – conchiglia di Adanson – Entemnotrochus adansonianus – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-28-14h16m41s797

Adanson's slit shell

While snorkeling along a stretch of coral reef on Redang Island in Malaysia we found this Adanson's slit shell in a few meters of seabed. The encounter, quite unusual given that the mollusc lives at great depths, is due to the fact that it was probably brought there by some deep-sea fisherman while cleaning the fishing nets...
Fusiliers fish – Pesci fucilieri – Caesio – www.intotheblue.it-2023-12-04-10h57m38s555

Fusiliers fish

Fusiliers fish Caesio are found in coastal areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, including the Red Sea. One species, Caesio varilineata has been recorded in the eastern Mediterranean, probably having reached there through the Suez Canal as a Lessepsian migrant. They are mainly found on coral reefs.
Bluespotted cornetfish – Pesce flauto – Fistularia commersonii – www.intotheblue.it-2023-12-13-18h23m30s301

Bluespotted cornetfish Fistularia commersonii

The bluespotted cornetfish (Fistularia commersonii), also known as smooth cornetfish or smooth flutemouth, is a marine fish which belongs to the family Fistulariidae. This very long and slender reef-dweller belongs to the same order as the pipefishes and seahorses, called Syngnathiformes. It is widespread in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific as far north as Japan and east to the coasts of the Americas, including the Red Sea. In 2000, its presence was reported in the Mediterranean Sea
Sabre squirrelfish – Pesce Scoiattolo spinoso – Sargocentron spiniferum – www.intotheblue.it-2023-12-22-15h10m49s434

Sabre squirrelfish

Sabre squirrelfish, Sargocentron spiniferum, common name giant squirrelfish and spiny squirrelfish, is a large Indo-Pacific species of squirrelfish belonging to the family Holocentridae. It is a species linked to the coral reef environment where it occupies a vast range of habitats: from atoll lagoons to reefs exposed to the open sea to coastal ones and even at depth. Juveniles are found among corals in shallow waters in environments sheltered from the force of the sea.
Bluefin Trevally

Bluefin Trevally

The Bluefin Trevally (Caranx melampygus), also known as the bluefin jack, bluefin kingfish, bluefinned crevalle, blue ulua, omilu, and spotted trevally), is a species of large, widely distributed marine fish classified in the jack family Carangidae. The bluefin trevally is distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Dogtooth tuna – Tonno dente di cane – Gymnosarda unicolor – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-06-10h36m53s386

Dogtooth tuna

The Dogtooth tuna, Gymnosarda unicolor, also known as white tuna, is a species of pelagic marine fish which belongs to the family Scombridae. The dogtooth tuna can reach a length of 190 to 248 centimetres in males and a weight of 130 kilograms. The average length commonly observed is around 40 to 120 centimetres. They have 12 to 14 dorsal soft rays and 12 to 13 anal soft rays. The lateral line is undulates strongly.
Lined Surgeonfish – Blue-lined Surgeonfish – Pesce Chirurgo in pigiama – Pesce Chirurgo striato – Acanthurus lineatus – www.intotheblue.it-2023-11-22-14h30m13s831

Lined Surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus

Acanthurus lineatus, the lined surgeonfish, is a member of the family Acanthuridae, the surgeonfishes. Other common names include blue banded surgeonfish, blue-lined surgeonfish, clown surgeonfish, pyjama tang, striped surgeonfish, and zebra surgeonfish. Acanthurus lineatus occurs in the Indian Ocean from East Africa to the western Pacific Ocean to the Great Barrier Reef, Japan, Polynesia and Hawaii.
Carangoides ferdau – Blue Trevally – Carangide di Ferdau – Carangide blu – www.intothwblue.it-2023-05-18-17h13m48s948

Ferdau's trevally

The blue trevally (Carangoides ferdau), also known as the banded trevally, barred trevally, Ferdau's trevally or Forskaal's jackfish, is a common, widespread species of pelagic marine fish classified in the jack family Carangidae. The blue trevally is distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific and central Pacific regions, ranging from South Africa in the west to Hawaii in the east
Giant Trevally – Carango gigante indopacifico – Caranx ignobilis – www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-17-12h53m41s444

Giant Trevally

The Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis), also known as the lowly trevally, barrier trevally, ronin jack, giant kingfish, or ulua, is a species of large marine fish classified in the jack family Carangidae. The Giant Trevally is distributed throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, with a range stretching from South Africa in the west to Hawaii in the east, including Japan in the north and Australia in the south.
Bigfin reef Squid – Calamaro di Lesson – Sepioteuthis lessoniana – www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-16-10h59m56s436

Bigfin reef Squid

Bigfin reef Squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, commonly known as the glitter squid or oval squid, is a species of loliginid squid. It is one of the three currently recognized species belonging to the genus Sepioteuthis. Studies in 1993, however, have indicated that bigfin reef squids may comprise a cfyptic species complex. The species is likely to include several very similar and closely related species. Bigfin reef squids are characterised by a large oval fin that extends throughout the margins of its mantle, giving them a superficial similarity to cuttlefish. They are small to medium-sized squids, averaging 3.8 to 33 centimetres in length.
Orange-lined Triggerfish Pesce Balestra Striato Balistapus undulatus www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-15-12h19m36s725

Orange-lined Triggerfish

The Orange-lined Triggerfish has a dark brown to dark green body with orange lines that start behind the head and cover the rest of its body. Their maximum body size is about 30 centimeters. Its body has a stocky appearance, oval shape, and is compressed laterally. The head is large and is about one third of the body length. The mouth is small and terminal and it has strong teeth.
young Titan triggerfish – giovane Balestra Titano – young Giant triggerfish – Balistoides viridescens – www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-12-18h33m07s993

young Titan triggerfish

In this video you can see a Titan Triggerfish in its juvenile phase during which, if possible, it tries to stay safe inside a lair that it has probably excavated. However, if it catches signs of danger, it runs away to find a safer refuge in the coral reef. The shape is characteristic of triggerfishes, but the light color is far from the adult stage.
Spotted Eagle Ray – Aquila di Mare Maculata – Aetobatus narinari – www.intotheblue.it -2023-05-08-10h11m11s299

Spotted Eagle Ray

The Spotted Eagle Ray, (Aetobatus narinari), is a cartilagionus fish of the eagle ray family, Myliobatidae. As traditionally recognized, it is found globally in tropical regions, including the Atlantic, pacific and Indian Oceans. Spotted eagle rays are most commonly seen alone, but occasionally swim in groups. They are ovoviviparous, the female retaining the eggs then releasing the young as miniature versions of the parent. This ray can be identified by its dark dorsal surface covered in white spots or rings. Near the base of the ray's relatively long tail, just behind the pelvic fins, are several venomous,
Humphead wrasse – Pesce Napoleone – Cheilinus undulatus – www.intotheblue.it-2024-01-30-11h32m32s843

Humphead wrasse

The Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) is a large species of wrasse mainly found on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. It is also known as the Māori wrasse, Napoleon wrasse, Napoleon fish, Napoleonfish. The humphead wrasse is the largest living member of the family Labridae. Males, typically larger than females, are capable of reaching up to 2 meters and weighing up to 180 kg, but the average length is a little less than 1 meter. Females rarely grow larger than one meter.
Blaktip reef Shark – Squalo Pinna nera – Carcharhinus melanopterus – www.intotheblue.it-2023-12-31-14h49m26s069

Blacktip reef Shark

The Blacktip reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) is a species of requiem shark, in the family Carcharhinidae, which can be easily identified by the prominent black tips on its fins (especially on the first dorsal fin and its caudal fin). Among the most abundant sharks inhabiting the tropical coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, this species prefers shallow, inshore waters. Its exposed first dorsal fin is a common sight in the region. The blacktip reef shark is usually found over reef ledges and sandy flats, though it has also been known to enter brakish and freshwater environments.
Picasso triggerfish – pesce Balestra Picasso – Rhinecanthus aculeatus – Lagoon triggerfish – www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-10-18h15m11s335

Picasso triggerfish Rhinecanthus aculeatus

The Lagoon triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus), also known as the blackbar Triggerfish, the Picasso triggerfish, or the Picassofish, is a triggerfish, up to 30 cm in length, found on reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. This species has been studied in a range of research contexts, from locomotion to color vision research. Lagoon triggerfish live in the reefs and sandy areas of coral reefs, where they eat just about anything that comes along, mostly including invertebrates and reef algae.
Clown Triggerfish Balistoides conspicillum Pesce Balestra Pagliaccio www.intotheblue.it -2023-05-10-12h31m31s925

Clown Triggerfish Balistoides conspicillum

The Clown Triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillum), also known as the Bigspotted Triggerfish, is a demersal marine fish belonging to the family Balistidae, or commonly called triggerfish. The Clown Triggerfish is a fish which grows up to 50 cm. Its body has a stocky appearance, oval shape and compressed laterally. The head is large and represents approximately one third of the body length. The mouth is small, terminal and has strong teeth. The Clown Triggerfish is widely distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian Ocean and in the western Pacific Ocean.
Indian Triggerfish Pesce Balestra indiano Melichthys indicus www.intotheblue.it-2023-05-09-11h12m17s352

Indian Triggerfish Melichthys indicus

The Indian Triggerfish (Melichthys indicus), also known as the black-finned Triggerfish, has a brown body and black fins with white lines at the base of the dossal and anal fins. It is found across the Indian Ocean. They can grow up to 25 cm. long. The Indian triggerfish usually feeds on hard-shelled mollusks and echinoderms, but some feed on algae and zooplankton.