18 02:35 Mucilage Cyanobacteria Oscillatoriales Algae Mucilage on the coast of Livorno in the sea between Castiglioncello and Marina di Castagneto. ... Andrea Cirivasi August 31, 2019 362 0
12 01:11 Anemone di mare - Anemonia viridis Sea anemone belongs to the philum of the Cnidarians, to the class of Antozoi, ... Andrea Cirivasi August 30, 2019 629
32 02:21 Invasion of Mnemiopsis leidyi This video made on August 20, 2019 documents the invasion of Mnemiopsis leidyi ... Andrea Cirivasi August 20, 2019 814 0
57 06:40 Flying Gurnard - Dactylopterus volitans Pesce civetta Dactylopterus volitans Rondine di Mare Flying gurnard intotheblue.it ... Andrea Cirivasi August 15, 2019 2.27K 0
28 03:02 Cigar jellyfish - Olindias phosphorica Olindias phosphorica is a species of jellyfish originating from the central Atlantic, and from the Mediterranean Sea, ... Andrea Cirivasi August 13, 2019 955 0
42 05:00 Tracina Ragno - Trachinus araneus Incontro fortuito e casuale fatto nei fondali della splendida spiaggia di Scivu in Sardegna. La Tracina Ragno, Trachinus araneus, è un pesce della famiglia Trachinidae ... Andrea Cirivasi August 10, 2019 2.31K
29 01:12 Peacock blenny - Salaria Pavo Peacock blenny Salaria Pavo Lipophrys pavo is a common blennidae throughout the Mediterranean sea ... Andrea Cirivasi August 8, 2019 305
18 00:59 The Mediterranean Red Star The Mediterranean star red, (Echinaster sepositus) is a species of starfish from the East Atlantic, including the Mediterranean ... Fanino Cirivasi August 8, 2019 450 0
7 02:55 Ctenophora - Mnemiopsis leidyi Mnemiopsis leidyi, the warty comb jelly or sea walnut, is a species of tentaculate ctenophore (comb jelly). ... Andrea Cirivasi August 7, 2019 744