The Mediterranean Red Star

The Mediterranean star red, (Echinaster sepositus) is a species of starfish from the East Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea. stella marina rossa Echinaster sepositus echinoderma Echinasteridae

Stella Marina Rossa - Echinaster sepositus - Mediterranean Star Red -
Stella Marina Rossa – Echinaster sepositus – Mediterranean Star Red –

Echinaster sepositus has five relatively slender arms around a small central disc. It usually has a diameter of up to 20 cm, but can exceptionally reach up to 30 cm.  It is of bright orange-red in colour. The surface is dotted with evenly spaced pits from which the animal can extend its deep red gills (papullae).

Common throughout the Mediterranean Sea up to 200 meters deep, it can be found both along the surface of rocks and between Posidonia beds, but not at temperatures above 22 ° C. Being a widespread starfish it is easy to meet it during scuba diving and lends itself well to being admired and photographed.


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