Peacock blenny - Salaria Pavo
Salaria Pavo Lipophrys pavo Bavosa Pavone Peacock blenny
Peacock blenny Salaria Pavo Lipophrys pavo is a common blennidae throughout the Mediterranean sea. It populates the shallow waters of the interdental area and the small pools of water.

This species is widespread in the eastern Atlantic Ocean (from the Gulf of Biscay to Morocco) and in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Black Sea as well as in the Suez Canal. It inhabits the waters around the rocks and the stones of areas rich in sediment, with a surface up to about 7 meters deep. Salaria Pavo Lipophrys pavo Bavosa Pavone Peacock blenny It bears without nuisance polluted waters like those of the ports. A benthic animal, its presence outside the surface of the water is sometimes detectable thanks to the particular mucus that prevents dehydration for short periods. It is a euryhaline species and can also live in brackish waters, unlike most Blenniidae.

It is quite easy to meet and quite sociable towards man, it is very curious but also quite quick to hide among algae and shelters, it is difficult to escape and therefore it is possible to photograph quite easily. It has beautiful colors and rather evident streaks that make it one of the many colored fish of the Mediterranean.
It has an elongated body, rather compressed at the sides, with a high forehead, which in the male forms a showy hump on the head. It has a short tentacle above each eye, hardly visible. The fins are robust and rounded, the dorsal fin is long. The livery has a yellowish-green background, with broad darker bands. There are also vertical lines and electric blue dots all along the body. Behind the eye there is a dark ocello, edged with blue. During the reproductive period, the male presents yellow or orange tones. It reaches a length of 13 cm.
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