Garfish - Belone belone

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Garfish, Belone belone, is commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea and in the eastern Atlantic, in the coastal areas around the Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira and Cape Verde, as well as in the Black Sea and the Azov Sea; Belone only lives in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean around the Strait of Gibraltar.

Garfish Belone belone Aguglia
Garfish Belone belone Aguglia

Like all summers in mid-August and in September, Garfish approaches the coast in flocks of numerous individuals, bringing with it the large trevally of the Mediterranean Sea such as the Amberjack and the Lichia amia which prey on it together with other coastal species such as anchovies, crognoli , looks and mullets featured in this movie.

Garfish Belone belone Aguglia
Garfish Belone belone Aguglia

Filming and photographing this fish is difficult because during this period it practically lives on the surface and rarely plunges into the water column, this behavior must be both to escape predators and to hunt any prey. In fact, just below the surface of the water the garfish are practically invisible, mingling with the reflections and the crests of the waves.

Garfish (Belone belone Linnaeus, 1761) is a sea bony fish belonging to the Belonidae family.


These fish have a tapered, almost eel-like shape, with fins in the back, the garfish has a horny beak with a jaw longer than the jaw, very flexible. The skeleton is green-blue, the color of the bone is due to deposits of biliverdin, a product of bile. The livery is of a simple silvery gray, dark on the back and almost white on the belly. It reaches a length of 90 cm and a maximum weight of 1.3 kg. The eyes are silver. The olfactory nerve of the Belone belone is normally not myelinated and is used in scientific research as a model of an unmyelinated nerve.

Garfish Belone belone Aguglia
Garfish Belone belone Aguglia

It feeds on small fish, mainly sardines and anchovies.

The females lay numerous eggs of 3 mm in diameter covered with filaments with which they attach themselves to each other or to the walls of the algae. The newly hatched larvae, 9 mm long, do not yet have the characteristic elongated snout that they will acquire as adults.


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