Lipophrys nigriceps - Rabosa negra

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This little minnow is one of the most common Blennid species in the Mediterranean Sea. Lipophrys nigriceps – Rabosa negraRed blenny is in fact practically omnipresent along the cliffs and rocky and jagged coasts of our sea, the only trick to find it is to look in the shaded areas and in the holes near the of the marine environment between the levels of low and high tide and for this reason it is advisable to have an underwater torch. Lipophrys nigriceps Rabosa negra Bavosa rossa

As you can see in the video, the red blenny is a rather curious fish so if not frightened it will be observed and filmed quite easily.

Lipophrys nigriceps Rabosa negra Bavosa rossa
Lipophrys nigriceps Rabosa negra Bavosa rossa

Red blenny (Lipophrys nigiceps) is a small fish belonging to the Blenniidae family.

Distribution and habitat
It is an endemic species of the Mediterranean Sea. It lives in dark environments such as caves and crevices. It is hardly identifiable in its habitat which abounds in encrusting organisms of red colour, probably due to this and to the difficult practicability of its chosen habitat which the species is commonly considered rare whilst in reality it is quite widespread. It is encountered at greater depths than the congener species, up to 20 metres.

Lipophrys nigriceps Rabosa negra Bavosa rossa
Lipophrys nigriceps Rabosa negra Bavosa rossa

Its overall appearance is very similar to congener species such as L.dalmatinus or L.adriaticus but the livery is absolutely unmistakable given that it is vermilion red on the three hind quarters of the body and the head and first part of the thorax are gray or bluish with numerous black and almost confluent spots. During the breeding season, the adult male has the same yellow and black facial mask typical of the other Lipophrys such as L.canevai or L.adriaticus.

In the caves it usually occupies the ceiling standing upside down. It is a very suspicious species that slips into its den at the slightest disturbance.



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