Brown meagre - Sciaena umbra

In this video

Also this summer we have filmed Brown meagre this splendid fish on several occasions and as always we decide to publish some videos to share the beauty of this typical species of the Mediterranean Sea. Sciaena umbra Brown meagre Corvina

Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina
Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina

Brown meagre is a nocturnal animal that during the day finds shelter in large and complex underwater caves, which lives almost permanently if not disturbed, in groups of about ten or more individuals. These two videos were made in apnea; the first in a cave we know well, a crash in the rock that starts from a depth of 8 meters up to about 15 meters, then a hole quite difficult and dangerous to explore in apnea, where we are sure to find the Brown meagres, sometimes even in the company of other fish such as white breams and groupers.

Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina
Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina

When diving into these holes it is always good to be cautious and above all try to avoid invading the den with our body, so as not to scare these fish because if they do not feel safe they leave the hole for another where we cannot disturb them.

However, the opposite can also happen, that is, some Brown meagres move to more accessible lairs as in the second video. In fact, the second encounter was made not far from the first on a depth of 4/5 meters and close enough to the shoreline where our Meagre quietly wandered in front of the entrance to a cave not very visible from the surface.

Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina
Brown meagre Sciaena umbra Corvina

As you can see, she let herself be very close to almost touching her with the camera, but as soon as she perceived the slightest danger she flew into her hole with a couple of swipes of the tail.

As always we remember the beautiful reflections and colors of the Brown meagre, especially in the younger specimens, ranging from yellow, gold, turquoise, green and blue, and which are added to the many colors of the Mediterranean Sea.


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