Hermit crab - Pagurus bernhardus
Hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus Linnaeus, 1758) is a decapod crustacean belonging to the Paguridae family. He is more commonly called the hermit. Paguro bernardo Pagurus bernhardus intotheblue.it

It is widespread along the European coasts. More precisely, it is widespread in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It lives on rocky or sandy bottoms from 2 to 80 meters deep. Paguro bernardo Pagurus bernhardus intotheblue.it
It can reach up to 40 mm in length. It has a soft body and without a protective carapace; use new abandoned shells every time the body grows. It is one of the largest hermit crabs in the Mediterranean. It is covered in yellow-white hair with two streaked hairless claws. It has large ocular peduncles with red streaks. The color of the peduncles can vary from orange to not very bright red. The shell may show the actinia Calliactis parasitica and the Suberites domuncula sponge.

It moves on stones and seabed, dragging the shell with it. When it feels in danger the hermit crab re-enters the shell and succeeds when the situation has calmed down.
It lives in environments with temperatures around 18 ° – 22 °, but can reach high temperatures.
It is carnivorous. Eat everything that is of animal origin: scraps of fish, shellfish, shrimp, etc.
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