Crustaceans - Crustacea

Aragosta tropicale - Panulirus versicolor

Aragosta tropicale - Panulirus versicolor

L’Aragosta tropicale, Panulirus versicolor, è una specie che vive nelle barriere coralline tropicali dell’Indo-Pacifico. Panulirus versicolor è una delle tre varietà più comuni di aragosta in Sri Lanka insieme all’aragosta Panulirus homarus e Panulir...
Balani - Thoracica

Balani - Thoracica

I Balani (Thoracica Darwin,1854) sono un superordine di crostacei maxillopodi. Sono anche detti “denti di cane” per via della loro forma aguzza che risulta essere molto tagliente. I Balani sono cirripedi sessili, con il significato di non peduncolati ......
Blue king crab or blue crab - Callinectes sapidus

Blue king crab or blue crab - Callinectes sapidus

This alien species has colonized the Mediterranean for at least fifty years but has spread by invading the coasts in recent years perhaps precisely because of the now inevitable warming of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. ...
Cicala di mare Magnosella - Scyllarus arctus

Cicala di mare Magnosella - Scyllarus arctus

La Magnosella (Scyllarus arctus Linnaeus, 1758), conosciuta anche come cicala di mare o batti batti, è un crostaceo decapodo della famiglia dei Scyllaridae. Non va confusa con Squilla mantis, anch'essa talvolta chiamata "cicala di mare" nel linguaggio ...
European Lobster - Homarus gammarus

European Lobster - Homarus gammarus

The European lobster, Homarus gammarus (Linnaeus, 1758), also known as lupicante, is a crustacean decapodo Nephropidae belonging to the family. ...
Favollo - Eriphia verrucosa

Favollo - Eriphia verrucosa

Eriphia verrucosa (Forskål, 1775), conosciuto comunemente come granchio favollo, granchio fellone o foulo è un crostaceo decapode della famiglia Eriphiidae. ...
Galathea - Galatheidae

Galathea - Galatheidae

Galatheidae Samouelle, 1819 is a family of decapod crustaceans belonging to the superfamily Galatheoidea. Distribution and habitat They are exclusively marine, widespread in all oceans and generally benthic; they live both near the surface and in deep...
Gamberetto di porto o delle rocce - Palaemon elegans

Gamberetto di porto o delle rocce - Palaemon elegans

Palaemon elegans conosciuto con il nome comune di gambero di porto, gambero di scogliera o gambero delle rocce (rockpool shrimp, nome comune alle diverse specie di gamberi della famiglia Palaemonidae) ...
Gamberetto maggiore - Palaemon serratus

Gamberetto maggiore - Palaemon serratus

Palaemon serratus è un crostaceo decapode della famiglia Palaemonidae. Il suo nome volgare è gamberetto maggiore, ed è una delle specie di gamberetto che troviamo nel Mar Mediterraneo nelle pozze di marea e nella zona intertidale, ...
Granchio corridore - Pachygrapsus marmoratus

Granchio corridore - Pachygrapsus marmoratus

Il Granchio corridore, Pachygrapsus marmoratus, (Fabricius,1787)  è un crostaceo decapodo appartenente alla famiglia Grapsidae, è molto diffuso nelle acque costiere del Mar Mediterraneo, del Mar Nero e dell’Oceano Atlantico orientale ...
Hermit Crabs - Pagurus

Hermit Crabs - Pagurus

Pagurus is a genus of hermit crabs in the family Paguridae Paguro Pagurus Paguridi hermit crabs ...
Hermit crab - Pagurus bernhardus

Hermit crab - Pagurus bernhardus

Hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus Linnaeus, 1758) is a decapod crustacean belonging to the Paguridae family. He is more commonly called the hermit. Paguro bernardo Pagurus bernhardus ...
St Piran's crab - Clibanarius erythropus

St Piran's crab - Clibanarius erythropus

Clibanarius erythropus is a species of hermit crab that lives in rockpools and sublittoral waters. It is found in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Azores to Brittany, the Channel Islands ...
Sally Lightfoot Crab - Percnon gibbesi

Sally Lightfoot Crab - Percnon gibbesi

It is called Percnon gibbesi. It is an "alien" crustacean spotted in the Mediterranean, for the first time in 2009, in Linosa, but probably already present in many other areas without being recognized ...
Sea Flea - Nerocilia bivittata

Sea Flea - Nerocilia bivittata

The Sea Flea (Nerocilia bivittata) belongs to the arthropod Philum, the crustacean Subphilum, the Malacostracei class and the order of the isopods. ...
Spiny lobster - Palinurus Elephas

Spiny lobster - Palinurus Elephas

The Spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas Fabricius, 1787) is a crustacean of the order Decapoda who lives in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea and eastern Atlantic Ocean. Aragosta mediterranea Palinurus elephas Spiny lobster Aragosta mediterranea...

I crostacei Crustacea costituiscono un subphylum degli Artropodi

Crustaceans (Crustacea Brünnich, 1772) are a subphylum of arthropods which includes mainly marine aquatic animals, although they are also widely present in freshwater and is known some terrestrial species.

Astice Mediterraneo - The Homarus Gammarus -
Astice Mediterraneo – The Homarus Gammarus –


That of Crustaceans constitute a very heterogeneous group whose members, at the morphological level, are linked mainly by two basal characters:

the presence of two pairs of appendages preorali (antennules and antennas) in the cephalon, otherwise identical – number and arrangement of the segments and appendages – to that of Myriapods and Hexapods; the presence of some biramose appendages (though different from those of Trilobitomorfi). In the most primitive Crustaceans there are no signs of metamerism homonomous in the trunk, only next region to cephalon: in this case all trunk segments bear locomotor appendages, which are usually smaller approaching the last segment, which often has a rigid furcula.

Blue Crab - Granchio blu o Granchio reale blu o Granchio azzurro - Callinectes sapidus -
Blue Crab – Granchio blu o Granchio reale blu o Granchio azzurro – Callinectes sapidus –

In more advanced shellfish trunk is divided into the chest and abdomen, said pereion and Pleon respectively. In this case, there is a differentiation of the appendices in pereiopodi (in pereion) and pleiopodi (in Pleon): the pereiopodi are mainly used to terrestrial locomotion (the front pereiopodi can perform the function of gripping and shredding of the food and in this case are said massillipedi), while the pleiopodi have other functions (for example they can be molded to the pallet for swimming, may bear gills, serve to hold the eggs).

Aragosta – Palinurus Elephas –

Sometimes pleiopodi last couple are flattened and are flanked by the telson (post-anal segment without appendices), also flattened, forming a fan-shaped caudal (eg lobsters).

In some crustaceans, the most famous, the thorax and the head are fused together to form a cephalothorax, covered with a carapace made more rigid by the calcium carbonate deposition.

The eyes may be the end of appendages modified or be stalked.

A typical example of progress of differentiation of the segments has in crabs. In these evolved Crustaceans, abdomen no more extension is indeed reduced and turned under the cephalothorax.




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