Hermit Crabs - Pagurus

Hermit crab - Pagurus bernhardus

Hermit crab - Pagurus bernhardus

Hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus Linnaeus, 1758) is a decapod crustacean belonging to the Paguridae family. He is more commonly called the hermit. Paguro bernardo Pagurus bernhardus intotheblue.it ...
St Piran's crab - Clibanarius erythropus

St Piran's crab - Clibanarius erythropus

Clibanarius erythropus is a species of hermit crab that lives in rockpools and sublittoral waters. It is found in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Azores to Brittany, the Channel Islands ...

Murex trunculus or Hermit crab? Murice o Paguro? www.intotheblue.it
Murex trunculus or Hermit crab? Murice o Paguro? www.intotheblue.it

Pagurus is a genus of hermit crabs in the family Paguridae Paguro Pagurus Paguridi hermit crabs intotheblue.it

Paguro su gorgonia di Savalia Savaglia - Pagurus on Gold Coral - intotheblue.it
Paguro su gorgonia di Savalia Savaglia – Pagurus on Gold Coral – intotheblue.it

Like other hermit crabs, their abdomen is not calcified and they use snail shells as protection. These marine decapod crustaceans are omnivorous, but mostly prey on small animals and scavenge carrionTrigonocheirus and Pagurixus used to be considered subgenera of Pagurus, but the former is nowadays included in Orthopagurus, while the latter has been separated as a distinct genus.

Anemone e Paguro intotheblue.it
Anemone e Paguro intotheblue.it



Anemone e Paguro

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