Garfish – Aguglia – Belone belone –


The Garfish (Belone belone) has a very elongated and compressed body, the dorsal zone is dark blue and fades in the blue on the flanks which are silvery; The belly is yellowish in color. Its length can exceed 80 cm and 1 Kg of weight. The jaws are thin and prominent enough to resemble a beak. The Garfish is a pelagic fish that lives on the high seas, only during the summer it approaches the coast to spawn.
T_Garfish Belone belone Aguglia


Garfish, Belone belone is a bony sea fish belonging to the Belonidae family. It commonly lives in the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic, in coastal areas around the Canary Islands, the Azores, Madeira and Cape Verde, as well as in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Garfish is a pelagic species, i.e. it lives mostly in the open sea and usually in the Mediterranean it approaches the coast from the end of August until October. ...