Red Sea Squirt - Halocynthia papillosa

Halocyntia papillosa, also known as the red sea squirt is a sea peach or sea squirt, a species of tunicate. Pyuridae familyAscidia Viola Halocynthia papillosa Pyuridae Red sea squirt Halocynthia papillosa Ascidia rossa

Ascidia viola - Halocynthia papillosa - red sea Squirt -
Ascidia viola – Halocynthia papillosa – red sea Squirt –


Halocynthia papillosa is usually about 10 cm high but can reach 20 cm. It can contract when disturbed. The body has the shape of a sack. The tunic, leathery and rough to the touch, is variable in color depending on the depth and the light received: redder in the illuminated parts, tending to pink or yellowish-white if in shadow. It presents two siphons, the upper inhalant and the lateral one exhaling, through which it introduces the nourishment in suspension in the gill sac for filtering. The opening of the siphon has a crown of bristles and a characteristic cross shape. Up to about 10-12 centimeters long.
Ascidia viola - Halocynthia papillosa - red sea Squirt -
Ascidia viola – Halocynthia papillosa – red sea Squirt –


Distribution and habitat

This species occurs at depths of 2 to 100 metres It attaches itself to rocks and overhangs, or among Posidonia. It can be found in the Northeast Atlantic, Western Pacific, along the Portuguese coast, and the Mediterranean. Ascidia Viola Halocynthia papillosa Pyuridae


Red sea squirt Halocynthia papillosa Ascidia rossa
Red sea squirt Halocynthia papillosa Ascidia rossa

The ascidians represent the most part of the vast (although little known and therefore appreciated) world of tunicates. Most of the ascidians are mostly confused with sponges, mostly from the observer. We will be able to easily distinguish the ascidians from the sponges since the latter, at the slightest contact, tend to close the siphons or otherwise to shrink. Many species of ascidians make a fine show of themselves thanks to the colors most often gaudy. Ascidians can be single or colonial. The violet devil ascidian is colonial ascidian with mainly cluster development.


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Red sea squirt – Halocynthia papillosa


Red Sea Squirt

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