Alga a Ombrello - Acetabularia acetabulum

Acetabularia J.V.Lamour., 1812 is a genus of algae of the Polyphysaceae family, widespread in the waters of warm and subtropical temperate zones including the Mediterranean sea where the species Acetabularia acetabulum, Umbrella Seaweed is present. Seaweed Umbrella alga a ombrello acetabularia acetabulum

Alga Acetabularia acetabulum Ombrellino di mare - Alga a ombrello
Acetabularia acetabulum Ombrellino di mare – Alga a ombrello

This alga is quite common in the Mediterranean,, and I am used to seeing it in the low rocky bottoms together with other algae and marine organisms. In this case it is curious to see how it was one of the first organisms to colonize this plastic wreck over its entire length. Seaweed Umbrella alga a ombrello acetabularia acetabulum

Alga Acetabularia acetabulum Ombrellino di mare - Alga a ombrello
Alga Acetabularia acetabulum Alga a ombrello


Acetabularia is a single-celled organism, but of very large size and complex in shape, characteristics that make it an excellent model for the study of cell biology.

Alga Acetabularia acetabulum Ombrellino di mare - Alga a ombrello
Alga Acetabularia acetabulum Ombrellino di mare – Alga a ombrello

In the form, the acetabularia resembles the round leaves of a nasturtium, with a height between 0.5 and 10 cm and with three anatomical parts: a rhizoid at the bottom that resembles very short roots, a long stem in the center, and on top an umbrella of branches that can merge into a hat. The acetabulary nucleus is located in the rhizoid, and allows the cell to fully regenerate if the hat is removed. The hats of two different acetabularia cells can also be exchanged, even between two different species.

A peculiarity of the acetabularia, better known as a sea umbrella, is that at the end of autumn it loses its umbrella which regenerates in the spring.

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