Red sea squirt Halocynthia papillosa Ascidia rossa

Red sea squirt - Halocynthia papillosa

Sea squirts are not sponges as it would appear at first glance but are marine filtering animals belonging to the class of tunicates. Sea squirts are present in all the world's oceans and are particularly common in coastal areas. This Red sea squirt Halocynthia papillosa (Ascidia rossa) lives in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, in the southern Pacific Ocean and is very common in the Mediterranean Sea. ...
Glass Ctenophore Bolinopsis vitrea Ctenoforo di vetro

Wanderers of the sea - Glass Ctenophore

Also this summer we met one of the many "wanderers of the sea" that is one of those species such as tunicate jellyfish and ctenophores that let themselves be carried away by the currents, reducing their movements to a minimum. We are talking about the Glass Ctenophore - Bolinopsis vitrea - which we have already filmed some time ago, this specimen seems quite old but as soon as touched it showed us the splendid reflections of bioluminescence that the ctenophores activate when they are stimulated. ...