Orange-lined Triggerfish Pesce Balestra Striato Balistapus undulatus

Orange-lined Triggerfish

The Orange-lined Triggerfish has a dark brown to dark green body with orange lines that start behind the head and cover the rest of its body. Their maximum body size is about 30 centimeters. Its body has a stocky appearance, oval shape, and is compressed laterally. The head is large and is about one third of the body length. The mouth is small and terminal and it has strong teeth.
Indian Triggerfish Pesce Balestra indiano Melichthys indicus

Indian Triggerfish Melichthys indicus

The Indian Triggerfish (Melichthys indicus), also known as the black-finned Triggerfish, has a brown body and black fins with white lines at the base of the dossal and anal fins. It is found across the Indian Ocean. They can grow up to 25 cm. long. The Indian triggerfish usually feeds on hard-shelled mollusks and echinoderms, but some feed on algae and zooplankton.
t_Giant triton Charonia tritonis Tritone mediterraneo-2023-01-29-14h23m30s741

Charonia tritonis - Giant triton

We are on some isolated rocks at a depth of 40/46 meters, where we have found two beautiful specimens of Charonia tritonis, Giant mediterranean triton.  This is the mollusk and consequently the largest shell in the Mediterranean Sea. In this dive we met two of them, we filmed the first one casually on the wall we were exploring, we realized watching the footage that we passed by without seeing it. The second was inside a hole from which we moved it to try to film it better. ...

Fusilier fish

The Caesio are marine bony fish of the Caesionidae family. They have a fairly tapered body with a pointed snout and a small, terminal mouth ...

Blue Spiny Lobster

Panulirus versicolor is a species of spiny lobster that lives in tropical reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Other names include painted rock lobster, common rock lobster, bamboo lobster, blue lobster, and blue spiny lobster. ...