Oblada melanura - Saddled seabream

Oblada melanura Occhiata Saddled seabream intotheblue.it
Oblada melanura Occhiata intotheblue.it  Oblada melanura Occhiata Saddled seabream sparidae intotheblue.it

Saddled seabream (Oblada melanura Linnaeus, 1758) is a saltwater fish belonging to the Sparidae family. It is the only species of the genus Oblada. Oblada melanura Occhiata Saddled seabream sparidae intotheblue.it

In this collage of videos we can see it in various areas of the Mediterranean, from Sardinia, to the Elba Island, to the Etruscan Coast. The look is practically omnipresent in our seas and its habitat ranges from free water, to coasts with rocky bottoms, or even in holes and caves.

Oblada melanura Occhiata Saddled seabream intotheblue.it
Occhiata Saddled seabream intotheblue.it

Distribution and habitat It is widespread in the coastal waters (up to 40 m deep) of the Mediterranean and of the eastern Atlantic Ocean (from the Bay of Biscay to the coast of Angola). It also inhabits the coasts of Madeira, Cape Verde and the Canaries and part of the Black Sea. It lives near rocky coasts and it is a demersal species that is always kept in open water even if very close to the shore.

Description The glance has a very similar appearance to that of the sea bream or the salpa: oval and slender shape with a very flattened body, large eyes and mouth arranged upwards, with slightly protruding jaw and with sharp teeth. The livery is gray-blue, with lively silvery reflections, darker on the back and lighter on the sides, which are crossed by numerous dark horizontal lines. On the caudal peduncle a large black spot bordered with white is visible. The caudal fin is forked. It can reach a length of about 25-30 cm and a weight from 700 g to 1 kg.

Oblada melanura Occhiata Saddled seabream intotheblue.it
Oblada melanura Saddled seabream intotheblue.it

Behavior It is a gregarious species and forms even very large banks.

Supply It is omnivorous, it feeds mainly on invertebrates, fry and algae.

Reproduction It reproduces from April to June. The small ones are recognizable for the characteristic black spot bordered with white already at the size of 10 mm. It is a species subject to sex change, however some individuals are hermaphrodite.

https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oblada_melanura https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddled_seabream

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