Freediving apnea in Capo Carbonara Sardinia

In this video

This video was made this year in August, in Sardinia in the protected marine reserve of Capo Carbonara, where during a Freediving apnea I met many species of fishes that came close thanks to the appearance technique (Waiting on the bottom). Apnea Capo Carbonara Sardegna Sardinia

Freediving at Capo Carbonara Sardinia
Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna

The appearance technique is a practice that helps apnea underwater fishermen make fish come close to the diver. It consists of diving without making too many noises and hiding on the bottom remaining immobile trying to slow down the heart rate to increase apnea time. If everything is done well the fish in the area will approach the diver curious about his presence previously detected. It is in fact almost impossible not to be heard by the fish that can perceive through the lateral line any noise around them, the purpose of this technique is to be heard without scaring them and make them curious just enough to make them approach.

Mormore Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna
Mormore Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna

As you can see in the movie I managed to bring many species of fish closer, initially Salema, Diplodus sargus and Oblada melanura, a beautiful herd of Lithognathus mormyrus has diverted its course to get very close even passing over; and in the end a wonderful Dicentrarchus labrax pleasantly surprised me coming out of the blue to get so close.

Mormore Occhiate Saraghi Salpe Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna
Mormore Occhiate Saraghi Salpe Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna
Spigola Branzino Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna
Spigola Branzino Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna

Most fish are prey and even predatory fish are often shy and wary since they are both prey and predator. It is therefore important to make very few noises during the dive, and once on the bottom stay still trying to limit the movements and lower the heart rate. This is important to increase the apnea time and above all because an accelerated heart rhythm would make our presence to be exchanged for that of a predator, and therefore the fish will be held at a safe distance giving up to approach.

Mormore Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna
Mormore Apnea a Capo Carbonara Sardegna

Waiting is a spearfishing technique, but it is equally good for underwater photography. In fact, some fish would be almost impossible to film and photograph closely, and the wide angles of the various action-cams certainly do not help photographing fish up close. I remember that the marine species collected in this blog are all alive and that by choice we do not publish films of any type of fishing, moreover some species of fish are annoyed by the emission of bubbles and it is practically impossible to approach them with tanks, apnea remains therefore one of the few methods to successfully approach some fish and above all a good movie or a beautiful photo leaves a beautiful memory and document as opposed to a capture..

Apnea Capo Carbonara Sardegna Sardinia


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