Dancing among the Sharks…

snorkeling tra gli squali intotheblue.it
snorkeling tra gli squali intotheblue.it

Squalo Nutrice Ginglymostoma cirratum condritti intotheblue.it

In bathing, at sunset in the Maldives, with a group of friends we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by a herd of Nurse sharks. The surprise was great and the images show us a group of people who seem to dance in the water surprised by the spectacle of nature and not knowing how to behave. It is true that Nutrice sharks are considered harmless to humans, but we also know that there have been accidents caused perhaps by too much confidence that is given to animals that are still wild. It is always about their environment and their territory that is invaded by us humans.

We know that the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, can reach 4.3 meters in length, but the specimens encountered had a length between 2 and 3 meters. they were close to us then suddenly they left as they had suddenly arrived; with great joy of all and perhaps a little ‘relief for some of us.

snorkeling tra gli squali intotheblue.it
snorkeling tra gli squali intotheblue.it

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