Razza Trigone Pastinaca

Common Stingray Dasyatis Pastinaca Razza Ray Trigone intotheblue.it

As soon as I entered the water for a swim with the snorkel and the mask I met three specimens of Ray of the species Trigone Dasyatis Pastinaca, commonly known as Pastinaca. All three of the same size, about 25/30 cm, after a while ‘are left to approach and film rather closely. The meeting took place in the Masua sea in South-Western Sardinia, on a backdrop mixed with sand and posidonia in a few meters of depth.

Trigone Dasyatis pastinaca intotheblue.it
Trigone Dasyatis pastinaca intotheblue.it

The stingray, a breed belonging to the family Dasyatidae, Class Chondrichthyes, is widespread in the North Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean, from Norway to the Baltic Sea to the Canaries and the Black Sea. The ideal habitat is represented by sandy and silty bottoms, where this animal hides and feeds.

Trigone Dasyatis pastinaca intotheblue.it
Trigone Dasyatis pastinaca intotheblue.it

This stingray can reach 2.5 meters in length and one and a half meters in width. The snout is quite pronounced and the small eyes are followed by two evident spiracles. It has from 28 to 38 rows of tiny teeth in the upper jaw and 28-40 rows in the lower jaw. The tail is equipped with a serrated and venomous prick able to inflict even serious wounds. The color of the back varies from gray-brown to green-olive, while the belly is light in color. Like the other stingrays, dasyatis pastinaca is an ovoviviparous species. Females give birth to 4 to 9 babies twice a year after a four month gestation. It feeds mainly on crustaceans and small benthic fish.



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