Flathead grey mullet - Mugil cephalus

Mugil cephalus Muggine Cefalo Flathead grey mullet – intotheblue.it

Muggine Cefalo – Mugil cephalus – IntotheBlue.it
In this two-minute collage we can see the different behaviors of Mugil cephalus (Flathead grey mullet) in the same environmental conditions. The video was made after a sea storm and in about ten minutes, several mullets were observed in the same environmental conditions but with different behaviors. Some specimens in herd while they were feeding on algae, others always in herd and small while they were fleeing from some predators, and medium-sized specimens intrigued by the divers and rather wary. The particular thing is that the video is a collage of about 10 minutes in which the muggins have a different behavior in the same environmental conditions and in the same environment, probably related to age and the fact that they are together with other specimens or solitary.

Mugil cephalus Muggine Cefalo Flathead grey mullet – intotheblue.it

Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758, commonly known as mullet, mùggine or middine, is a fish belonging to the family Muggine Cefalo Mugil cephalus Flathead gray mullet IntotheBlue.itMugilidae

Its range is vast, in fact it lives in all the tropical and warm temperate waters of the world (circumtropical distribution). In Europe it spread north to the Gulf of Gascony.
It is a Eurialina species, able to withstand large variations in salinity so that it is regularly found in marine, sweet or brackish waters. It is able to live even in polluted environments, in fact it is frequently found inside ports. He lives in schools (especially the young ones). It is found especially where there are hard bottoms or artifacts but does not disdain even the funds completely soft as long as the water depth is sufficiently low.



Mugil cephalus Muggine Cefalo Flathead grey mullet – intotheblue.it

Mugil cephalus Muggine Cefalo Flathead grey mullet – intotheblue.it

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