Dusky Grouper - Epinephelus marginatus

La cernia bruna - Epinephelus, è un pesce appartenente alla famiglia dei Serranidae. - intotheblue.it
La cernia bruna – Epinephelus, è un pesce appartenente alla famiglia dei Serranidae. – intotheblue.it

Cernia Bruna – Epinephelus marginatus – IntotheBlue.it

Simply doing snorkling for a few years we can realize that slowly the Dusky GrouperEpinephelus marginatus – is repopulating the subfund of our seas. For several years, about thirty, it was virtually disappeared and therefore at risk of extinction. The indiscriminate fishing of unscrupulous submarines has caused an endemic species to be virtually disappeared along the Italian coast, and at risk of drought or deeper depths. I remember that even where it is allowed to fish in apnea, however, there are some minimum measures to be observed for capture; and that underwater fishing with cans has been banned for decades.

La cernia bruna - Epinephelus, è un pesce appartenente alla famiglia dei Serranidae. - intotheblue.it
La cernia bruna – Epinephelus, è un pesce appartenente alla famiglia dei Serranidae. – intotheblue.it

As can be seen from the video, the younger specimens are allowed to approach fearlessly from the sub, and it is a hermaphroditic proterogen, which becomes male around the age of twelve. Hence large specimens are all male, while the smallest and most at risk of capture are all female. This is the main reason why catching small specimens endangers the existence of the whole species. The hernia is also a territorial species, often in summer choosing a den and staying there all year long, we will continue to film and monitor the specimen of the video, obviously trying to disturb it as little as possible by making sure it does not get used to it too much in the presence of humans.

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