Fusilier Fish

The Caesio are marine bony fish of the Caesionidae family. They have a fairly tapered body with a pointed snout and a small, terminal mouth. The mouth, protrusible, can be extended forward. The caudal fin is forked, with pointed lobes. The dorsal fin is unique, long and rather low. The anal fin is low. Both the dorsal and the anal are covered with scales.

It can reach 40 cm.

It is widely distributed in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean. It lives near the coral reefs and is common above all in the lagoons of the atolls. It meets at depths between 5 and 50 meters deep.

He lives in herds often mixed with other Caesionidae.

(tratto da wikipedia)

I pesci Fucilieri - the Fusilier - the Caesio fish
I pesci Fucilieri – the Fusilier – the Caesio fish – intotheblue.it


I pesci Fucilieri - the Fusilier - the Caesio fish
I pesci Fucilieri – the Fusilier – the Caesio fish – intotheblue.it

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