Cave diving

We also went to visit an underwater cave. And like all caves it instills a certain charm and arouses a certain restlessness, and it is the same in the case of this submerged cave. Immersione in grotta cave diving

immersione in grotta - Parazoanthus axinellae -
immersione in grotta – Parazoanthus axinellae –

The cave has a height of about three meters, three and a half meters, is about thirty meters long, perhaps more, and about ten meters wide. The vault slopes towards the ends of the cave and is completely colonized by Parazoanthus axinellae; from very small branches of red coral, Corallium rubrum and from the colorful yellow, white and red sponges of the verongia and poriferae type.

immersione in grotta -ingresso/uscita -
immersione in grotta -ingresso/uscita –

The show is guaranteed and the images and the video speak for themselves about the colors that came out of the lighting of our torches. The cave has two exits (or two entrances) the first at a depth of 23 meters and the other at a depth of 13 meters.

immersione in grotta - cave diving - bolle d'aria - air bubbles -
immersione in grotta – cave diving – bolle d’aria – air bubbles –

Another thing to note is the conformation of the cave that seems to come out of a compact rock wall, in reality when we went out we found our air bubbles on the top of the ridge that came out of the seabed almost like in a hydrothermal spring. So probably this cave is composed of compact and coralligenous rock and therefore porous rock. Immersione in grotta cave diving

When we talk about coralligenous we are talking about a rock formed by the decomposition of the skeletons of corals and algae, and it is the very basis of the Mediterranean seabed where new organisms replace those dead.

immersione in grotta - Parazoanthus axinellae and red coral corallium rubrum corallo rosso-
immersione in grotta – Parazoanthus axinellae and red coral corallium rubrum corallo rosso-

Finally, when making these dives it is necessary to have the utmost caution both towards the marine species that inhabit them and towards the health and safety of the dive. Caves like this in fact have a layer of suspension on the bottom that at the first movement of the fins risks clouding the water and making zero visibility practically. Therefore a good supply of air and light is practically mandatory in this kind of diving. & G.A.L.


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