Sea Urchins in reproduction

Ricci di mare in riproduzione Sea Urchins in reproduction

Sphaerechinus granularis - riccio di prateria -
Sphaerechinus granularis – riccio di prateria –

In this film, realized in the first days of June, we were able to document the moment of reproduction of the Sphaerechinus Granularis urchin (commonly called Prairie Hedgehog); In fact, we find them gathered in a large way both on the rocks and on the sand at a depth between 45 and 50 meters.

The hedgehogs are part of the echinoderms, Echinoidi class. The hedgehogs may have different colors but contrary to how often we are led to believe such coloration is not due to the diversity of sex but to the diversity of species. In fact there are no elements of difference between the male and the female within the same species.

The period of major reproduction coincides with the summer period and there is a European Community legislation that prohibits fishing between May and June. The reproduction takes place without coupling because the males and the females produce the sperm and the eggs at the same time freeing in the sea where they are fertilized.

The breeding apparatus is made up of five gonads which, when ripe, have an orange, yellowish colour; These are the parts that are taken to be consumed by lovers of typical dishes made from hedgehog eggs.

The hedgehogs are also an important indicator of the state of health and pollution of the sea because they live and reproduce, in an optimal way, in clean water. Ricci di mare in riproduzione Sea Urchins in reproduction

Sphaerechinus granularis - riccio di prateria -
Sphaerechinus granularis – riccio di prateria – Riproduzione –

Sphaerechinus granularis - riccio di prateria -
Sphaerechinus granularis – riccio di prateria – Reproduction –

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