Scrawled Butterflyfish

Pesce Farfalla di Meyer Scrawled Butterflyfish

Pesce Farfalla di Meyer
Scrawled Butterflyfish Pesce Farfalla di Meyer

The Scrawled Butterflyfish (Chaetodon meyeri) is a species of butterflyfish,  of the Chaetodontidae family. It is found in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Acean from East Africa to the Line Islands; north to the Ryukyu Islands; south to the Great Barrier Reef; including Micronesia and the Galapagos Islands.

Growing to a maximum length of 20 cm, its body is whitish or blue-white with curved to oblique black bands on the sides. A yellow-edged black bar runs through the eye, another is on the snout.

The Scrawled Butterflyfish is found at depths between 2 and 25 m in coral-rich areas of clear seaward and lagoon reefs. They feed exclusively on coral polyps.

Pesce Farfalla di Meyer
Scrawled Butterflyfish Pesce Farfalla di Meyer

Pesce Farfalla di Meyer
Scrawled Butterflyfish Pesce Farfalla di Meyer

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