Scrawled Butterflyfish
Pesce Farfalla di Meyer Scrawled Butterflyfish

The Scrawled Butterflyfish (Chaetodon meyeri) is a species of butterflyfish, of the Chaetodontidae family. It is found in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Acean from East Africa to the Line Islands; north to the Ryukyu Islands; south to the Great Barrier Reef; including Micronesia and the Galapagos Islands.
Growing to a maximum length of 20 cm, its body is whitish or blue-white with curved to oblique black bands on the sides. A yellow-edged black bar runs through the eye, another is on the snout.
The Scrawled Butterflyfish is found at depths between 2 and 25 m in coral-rich areas of clear seaward and lagoon reefs. They feed exclusively on coral polyps.

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