Nosy Be - Madagascar - Barriera Corallina III

Nosy Be, there are no walls with coral reef but peaks that rise from sandy bottoms of about 20 meters. These benches rise from the seabed and are colonized by many species such as corals, specimens tridacna, sponges and of course the reef fish. Madagasca Nosy Be Barriera Corallina
On these plains are “beautiful coral garden” consisting of: sea fans, fusiliers, yellow and red snapper, trevally, Napoleon wrasse, grouper reef and deep, emperor angelfish, butterfly fish and angelfish South Africa.
Moreover parrot fish, trigger fish, nudibranchs, cleaner shrimps, sea cucumbers, crabs, spider crabs, lobsters, large clams, sponges vase and organ pipes.
Madagascar is also home to many incredibly coral rich and species diverse marine areas, most notably around the island of Nosy Be, where one can find a variety of hard and soft corals, sponges, invertebrates, large schooling pelagic fish, a vast array of brightly coloured reef fish, including wrasse, parrot fish, trigger fish, damsels, butterfly fish… the list goes on and on. These reef fish in turn attract other rarer and larger creatures to these majestic waters.
Nosy Be also enjoys seasonal visits from a large number of whale sharks, the largest fish in the world reaching up to 14 metres in size, as well as migratory visits from many cetaceans (34 species found in Madagascan waters) such as the humpback whale. The local dolphin population can be sighted on occasion all year round.
Nosy Be is a haven for marine life and recreational SCUBA divers alike. The marine environment is of overwhelming importance to the local communities, providing the majority of food supplies and employment. However, with a developing area such as Nosy Be, the demand and strain on the surrounding marine environment is ever increasing, with detrimental effect. Madagasca Nosy Be Barriera Corallina
Author: Stefano
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