Yellowtail, Amberjack - Seriola dumerilii

Seriola dumerili – Ricciola – Amberjack – Yellowtail –
Seriola dumerili – Ricciola – Amberjack – Yellowtail –

Ricciola Seriola dumerili Amberjack Yellowtail Carangidae carangidi

Seriola dumerili, commonly known as Amberjack and Yellowtail, is a marine fish belonging to the family Carangidae. The amberjack is much more confidant during youth, as it becomes more cunning and careful as it grows. Younger birds, in whose livery are obvious shades of yellow, tend to congregate in herds, older specimens are usually solitary.

The approach to the coast takes place in spring and summer, during spawning. In this video we filmed on the high seas during the ascent phase for decompression, aggregated in small flocks and individually, not at all bothered by the diver and quite intrigued by the air bubbles.

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