Live Sharksucker - Echeneis naucrates
The Live Sharksucker or Slender Sharksucker, Echeneis naucrates, is a species of marine fish in the family Echeneidae. The species is considered as circumtropical, as it occurs in all tropical and warm temperate waters around the world, except for the eastern Pacific. The species can be found close to the coast, as well as offshore at a maximum depth of 50 m. A live sharksucker is known to attach itself temporarily by its modified dorsal fin used as a sucking disc to various hosts, such as shark, rays, large bony fishes, sea turtles, whales, dolphins, ships, and even sometimes scubadivers. remora
Echeneis naucrates is a medium-sized fish which can grow up to 110 cm. length. Its body is elongated and streamlined, and its lower jaw is clearly prognathic (it projects forward well beyond the upper jaw). The jaws, vomer and tongue have villiform teeth. The main distinctive feature to distinguish from other fishes is the oval-shaped sucking disc, which is a highly modified dorsal fin positioned from the top of the head to the anterior part of the body. The body background colouration is dark grey to dark brown, with a dark belly. A longitudinal stripe runs along the axis side of the body, it is always darker than its background colour with a whitish margin. The remora’s diet varies according to its maturity or situation (with host or not).
As a juvenile, it sometimes acts as a cleaner fish on reef station; its diet consists of small parasitic crustaceans which live on such fish as copepods, isopods and ostracods. With a host the live sharksucker eats parasitic crustaceans from the latter, food scraps from its host’s feeding activity, even some small food caught by filtering the water through its villiform teeth whilst the navigating on its host. Without a host, the fish stays close to the shore and can aggregate with other individuals; its diet is then comprises free-living crustaceans, squid and small fishes.
(extract from Wikipedia)