Mystery blenny - Parablennius incognitus

In this video

Mediterranean blenny blenny is one of the most common and easy to meet fish in the Mediterranean Sea, it belongs to the Blennidae family, Blennidae, and is an endemic species of our seas. Mystery blenny Parablennius incognitus Bavosa mediterranea

Mystery blenny - Parablennius incognitus - Bavosa mediterranea -
Mystery blenny – Parablennius incognitus – Bavosa mediterranea

In this video we see two Mediterranean blenny met on two different occasions, the first recently filmed with rude colors and a colorful and variegated livery, probably a male; the second has a greyish and more uniform color, probably a female.

The characteristic of this species is to live in shallow waters and to have a keen curiosity for everything that comes close to it and is not considered a danger. As you can see from the images, it is therefore easy to approach it to photograph and film it, so you don’t need to be particularly experienced divers and equipped with special equipment to get very close images of this fish. We also try to dive in apnea without particular noises and vibrations, most of the time it will be you who will get close to the camera.

Mystery blenny - Parablennius incognitus - Bavosa mediterranea -
Mystery blenny – Parablennius incognitus – Bavosa mediterranea –

Mediterranean blenny (Parablennius incognitus) Mistery blenny is a saltwater fish belonging to the Blenniidae family.

Distribution and habitat
It is an endemic species of the Mediterranean Sea. Its presence in the Black Sea is to be ascertained.

It lives in very shallow waters, often in areas exposed to the fury of the waves, on rocky bottoms rich in vegetation.

Similar to Parablennius zvonimiri. The supraorbital tentacles consist of a longer anterior filament from whose posterior part 4 or 5 branches branch off; these tentacles are much longer in the male. The nasal tentacle (on the anterior nostril only) has two filaments. For the rest a typical blennid, the dorsal fin has a modest central indentation.

Mystery blenny - Parablennius incognitus - Bavosa mediterranea -
Mystery blenny – Bavosa mediterranea –

The livery, although variable as in almost all the blennids, has some specific characteristics:

  • hourglass-shaped dark spots bordered by blue lines on the sides,
  • a dark oblique streak on the cheek above which there is a lighter one,
  • males in love feature bright yellow or orange colors.

Similarly to the other blennids, the male treats the eggs which are laid in a den.

Mainly based on Crustaceans, mainly Barnacles.



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