Respect for the sea

Summer 2020, trying to forget the COVID 19 pandemic, the explosion of mucilage that is devastating our seabed, I decide to take a dive in an area of ​​the “Secche di Vada” that I haven’t seen for some time. In this blog we are reluctant to say the diving spots both to avoid the gathering of the various divers, and to avoid the gathering of the fishermen on Sunday with whom I decide to argue by publishing this article. Rispetto del mare Respect for the sea

Rispetto del mare - Respect for the sea -
Rispetto del mare – Respect for the sea –

In this blog we try to show the various marine species that populate our seas by filming them in their environment and in their ecosystem, we inevitably come across people’s lack of respect for the sea and which we are obviously forced to film and document.

carta nautica "Sperone di Dentro" - nautical chart internal reef promontory "Sperone" -
carta nautica “Sperone di Dentro” – nautical chart internal reef promontory “Sperone” –

The area of ​​this dive is between the “Testa dello Sperone” and the “Sperone a ricascare“, an area a little less beautiful than those where we usually dive but free, for some strange reason, from the mucilage that has been colonizing for some years the coast from Livorno to San Vincenzo. We are 4/5 miles from the coast, the seabed is about 45 meters deep and consists of a “cigliata” (coral wall), even 3/4 meters high, which runs towards the ground.

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Rispetto del mare – Respect for the sea –

As seen in the video the wall it is completely covered by the phantom nylon lines lost by the fishermen. From the sponges and the amount of marine organisms that are colonizing them, it is clear that they have been there for a long time. The thing that struck me most was a catfish egg laid right between these lines (obviously with the embryo of the dead animal). This typical Mediterranean shark usually lays its egg between the branches of gorgonians and corals, unfortunately this species seems to be adapting in the absence of these to lay it precisely between nets and ghost lines.

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Rispetto del mare – Respect for the sea –

Continuing the dive among tangles of nylon threads and various marine species, the “icing on the cake” is a mocassimo shoes of size 44 abandoned right on the seabed close to the coral wall. Now it may well be that it ended up there by chance and not intentionally, but one thing is certain: the lack of respect for the sea and a very delicate environment from a biological point of view is becoming truly unsustainable.

Rispetto del mare - Respect for the sea -
Rispetto del mare – Respect for the sea –

I appeal to all those people, sport fishermen, Sunday fishermen, professional fishermen (who fortunately are among the most responsible here), vacationers, and improvised sailors who go out to sea and think they are the masters; before making any gesture or action, think about the consequences of what you do, and maybe stay under the umbrella because this environment is not yours and you cannot continue to disfigure and destroy it. Those who go into the water and underwater generally find themselves in front of these scenarios practically always and during a dive at 45/50 meters of a few minutes it is not always possible to clean up and remedy these actions.

I cite two typical Livorno sayings, the first is: “the sea is the mother of the poor” and means that thanks to its resources the sea has managed for years to feed the people who lived there; the second is: “the sea gives you to eat every day but it gives you to drink only once!” I leave to you the interpretation of the latter.

Rispetto del mare - Respect for the sea -
Rispetto del mare – Respect for the sea –

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