
One of the things that often happens during a dive is to pass in front of some fish and some organisms without seeing them. In this case, this is exactly what happened, fortunately being a couple and having the opportunity to review and slow down the movie, we were able to capture some images.Mimetismo Mimicry Scorfano rosso Red Scorpionfish intotheblue.it

Mimetismo Mimicry Scorpaena scrofa Scorfano rosso Red Scorpionfish intotheblue.it
Mimetismo Mimicry Scorpaena scrofa Scorfano rosso Red Scorpionfish intotheblue.it

Nel video si vede uno ,  In the video we see a Red Scorpionfish, Scorpaena Scrofa,, watching undisturbed the passage of the first diver, and then taking refuge in its hole as the second passes.

The red scorpionfish is in fact one of the mimicry champions of the Mediterranean Sea, thanks to the colors of its livery and the numerous jagged skin appendages similar to algae, this species has evolved in order to deceive prey, predators and divers.

Mimetismo Mimicry

Redfish (Scorpaena scrofa Linnaeus, 1758), better known as the Red Scorpionfish, is a fish of the Scorpaenidae family.

Distribution and habitat It is widespread in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, from the British Isles, to Morocco, the Canaries, the Azores and the Mediterranean Sea. It lives on hard, rocky or coralligenous bottoms, usually at a depth greater than 20 m (up to over 200 m) even if the young can be met in shallower waters. It has a predilection for rocky shoals that rise from a muddy bottom, but it is also found in reef environments of all kinds and on loose bottoms made up of sand, mud and debris. Its habitat is very varied and its habits extremely territorial, to the point that it is possible to dive and observe the same specimens for years in the same place, chosen as a home and at the same time as a hunting area.

Description It is recognizable from all the other Scorpaena for the considerable size it reaches and for its body peculiarities, with fleshy appendages on the chin, along the sides and on the eyes. For the rest it is similar to the other scorpions, with a massive head (perhaps in a larger proportion than in the congeners) spiny and covered with skin appendages. The color is usually bright red but can also be pink, brown or sulfur yellow, variegated with dark in various ways and, generally, with a black spot in the center of the dorsal fin. It reaches 50 cm in length and 3/4 kg of weight approximately.

Reproduction It takes place between May and August.

Biology It spends most of its time motionless in a raised point of the seabed waiting for a prey to pass in front of it. Its technique of capturing the prey is very fast and effective, and is based on a sudden leap forward combined with the projecting forward of the great jaws in a movement that does not give escape to the prey itself.

Dangers for humans The information shown is not medical advice and may not be accurate. The contents are for illustrative purposes only and do not replace medical advice: read the warnings. Like all scorpionfish, the black scorpionfish also has venom glands located under the spines of the dorsal and anal fins. Accidental stings (especially to fishermen and divers) are possible: in these cases severe pain occurs, sometimes with the appearance of nausea, vomiting and shock. Symptomatic treatment consists of immersing the wound in warm water, as the toxin is thermolabile.


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